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He stared down at the petite figure with an unreadable expression who just fall unconscious on his arms after making a bloody mees and attempting to stab him like a vicious killer.

His bewildered eyes glanced at those dead bodies abandoned on the floor before returning his gaze at his face which shows no sign of wickedness he witnessed minutes ago but calm and peacefulness like always

His grip around his waist tightened as he balanced him senseless body while his free hand cupped his cheek shaking his face and calling his name few times in order to check if he wakes up or not. But he got no response from her while his mind got corrupted with different kinds of questions, he desperately wants the answers to know.

Jung kook  How am suppose believe that you killed these people"while roamed all over his softened features giving an angelic vibe down his body is complete oppositebend down sneaking his hand in the back his knees while other is wrapped around her waist and took his bridal style on his arms

Jungkook: Damn it bear, look at me!! The f*ck kind of trouble you just got yourself into!! I $wear if i see any cut or injuries on your body i will stab these dead a$$holes all over again for touching what's mine!! *Glaring at the bloody bodies he was about to turn ready to leave but stopped all of a sudden hearing a noise. His alarmed eyes scanned the dark room and frowned noticing a door in the corner opened and an intruder stepped inside

Jungkook: Stay right there whoever you are. "He was seconds away from taking

out his gun tugged on his waistband but the person took a step forward coming under the dim light before speaking

Ivan: It's me.

Jungkook: Ivan? "He stated more like a question not expecting to see him here at all but the blood on Ivan's shirt caught his attention."

Ivan: Is he alright? "His worried tone came out loud while he walked towards them and raised his hand to touch him."

Jungkook: bear killed five man. "Ivan's hand stopped in the mid air and his cold eyes met Jungkook's darkened ones."

Ivan: I killed them. "Jungkook narrowed his eyes at Ivan's statement who bend down to grab the knife from the floor which made him alert."

Jungkook: What f*cking game you both siblings playing" "Clenching his jaw he shouted in anger while Ivan just gave him a blank look."
Ivan: You must know tae can't tolerate violence. Don't know how he came here while i was fighting with these guys. "He said glancing at the dead bodies And she saw me stabbing them like a mad man.

Jungkook: Then why he said she killed them? Why is he bloody? Why was he sitting with the dead bodies, playing with the knife before he came and tried to stab me?. "He threw questions on Ivan's face while his veins of hands and neck became visible like they will pop out any second the way his anger rising each moment passed by.

Ivan: tae got panic attack and i think she behaved the way he witnessed me behaving moments ago. "Instead of calming, his words just add fuel in Jungkook's anger making him burst."

Jungkook: WHERE THE F*CK YOU VANISHED LEAVING HER ALONE IN PANIC STATE!! "Ivan flinched at his outburst looking anywhere but Jungkook's eyes which are throwing daggers at him."

Ivan: I...i left her outside the door before going to call my men to clean these bodies but i think he came back again and-

Jungkook: F*ck your stupidity Hwang Ivan!! You know damn well all the restrictions. No one was suppose to shed any blood today which can lead to a war!!
Ivan: I had my reasons. "Jungkook gave him a death glare but Ivan stayed still on his place, showing no fear in his eyes."

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