Alex Kister

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(Update: Please go to Alex Kister update 2 before reading this & go watch Foodshops' videos on the situation.)

(Alex Kister is the creator of the Mandela Catalogue series. Anybody mentioned here is not to be harassed, including Alex, to keep the victims safe from him and anyone protecting his degeneracy.)

The twitter thread I found this document in was by:

Here's the full copy and paste of the doc:_____________________________________________

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Here's the full copy and paste of the doc:

This can't be a defamation case.
I do not want my name to be associated with this situation and all other names will be censored (the victims are allowed to come forward if they wish to). I understand it will be impossible to hide and that's why, afterward, I will be leaving my accounts associated with this name.

Originally, I decided against talking about my side of the story especially when I promised to keep quiet, however, I feel like it is necessary to understand the context. I and several others have noticed this behavior pattern that Alex exhibits. This was dealt with in private many times before coming to a conclusion.

We have concluded that the best closure would be to warn others of this and to prevent this from happening again, not just from Alex, but from any creator that misuses their platform.

For the past several months, Alex has shown predatory and manipulative behavior. It has brought me and others a great deal of pain. We have also realized this has been going a lot longer than expected.

Everyone in this document has permitted me to use their screenshots or testimonies. All names are censored but the person can choose to publicly speak out if they wish.

My side shows Alex's empty promises and manipulation,

Alex goes by any pronouns, so in some of these screenshots you'll see "she".

The Beginning
(For most of these, there are no screenshots because Alex would ask me to delete his old phone number and some were said in person)

Alex and I would start dating in April 2023 and we broke up in June 2023. At first, there wasn't anything particularly weird that happened because everything seemed to be heavily communicated or consented. While reliving those memories, there were moments that I did find strange.

Alex would "joke" during our relationship that he would kill himself if anything we sent to each other was leaked out and that I was a spy coming to destroy his life. This is one of the earliest cases of his paranoia and I would try my best to help, but it became apparent later on that Alex has very heavy trust issues with everyone. It becomes a lot more destructive and gets in the way of his thinking process.

I would also find it uncomfortable when he would joke in a public server (with a lot of his fans) that I was keeping him alive and he would've killed himself if I didn't exist (this channel would be deleted). It becomes cemented in my subconscious to prevent him from hurting himself and to try to always keep him happy.

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