what did just hapend

24 2 1

Clarifications: when Steven,Jake or Marc are speaking and the context does not allow us to delimit who is who, Jake will be underlined italics ,Steven normal italics, and Marc in bold italics, so when they are in any italics, they are speaking from within, not from the outside.

Wattpad allows very few tags, so warnings for mentions of abuse, medical neglect, if you detect anything else please let me know




Marc stared at the stained ceiling of his hotel room, processing how he got there, it had been a hasty decision on his father's part, it took running away from home and threatening to illegally recruit himself into the army, for his father to finally decide to act.

He followed him from the house to the subway station that Marc planned to board, then he promised to leve her, told him that they would leave together and that he would not have to return to that horrible "hospital."

Jake was there, screaming inside her head, telling him to keep walking and not to look back and not believe him. Steven was there too, trying to calm them down. He suggested turning around and listening to what Elías had to say, saying that maybe they could believe him, always diplomatic, always desperate to fix everything.

Marc thought about ignoring them all and just jumping onto the train tracks, but it was the shouted promise that he would never have to see his mother again, that he listened to Steven, and let Elias tell him what he had to say.

He said almost all the things he should have said years ago, that his mother was not going to change, that he would help them, this time, by staying away from her.
He stopped for a moment, thought, imagined Jake, Steven and himself, out of danger, away from her, and in the end he was walking back with Elías.

They walked back.
When they get, Marc feared that his father had lied, that he would lock him back with the monster, and that this time they wouldn't have another chance to escape, Jake said he wouldn't allow it, Steven said Dad wouldn't.

He saw his father hesitate for a moment.
But Elías walked directly to the closet with his suitcases, completely ignoring his wife's unconscious and drunk body.

Marc wasted no time, running up the stairs, allowing his father to fix the suitcases.
Jake took control and ignored the books, the worn markings on the walls, and the belt hanging in the corner.
He took a couple more things than what he alredy had in his escape bag,
He was pushed, and Steven was in control, he walked quickly and with shaky delicacy removed the old Thumb Buster poster, he left the room letting Marc take control.

Going down the stairs he watched his father writing a note to leave attached to the last unopened bottle of wine, undoubtedly the first thing Wendy would look for, when she woke up.

Avoiding the bottles scattered on the living room floor, Elías took his wallet from the dresser and put the money that was under the vase, he searched the drawers and took out several sheets, Marc assumed they were documents.

His dad had tears in his eyes, the conviction in them surprised Marc, Steven mentally call him, telling him that everything would be okay.

He constantly thought that his father was a complete coward, at that moment he thought that maybe he wasn't such a coward.

Soon they would be gone and wouldn't have to come back.

He took the car keys and loaded the suitcases, Marc didn't even hesitate before throwing his backpack into the back of the car and getting in, he left the passenger seat empty, he couldn't look Elías in the face for a long time, maybe now He was doing the right thing, but it took him too long.

He watched as his father dialed a number he didn't know,
He didn't hear what he said, he didn't want to sleep, but no one wanted to be in front, so they stayed still, his body present but no one driving, Steven began to recite the beginning of one of his favorite history books, his voice became A pleasant hum in the back of their shared brain, Jake decided to take the wheel, just to keep them safe.

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