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In Llandudno, where cliffs meet the sea,
Lived a goat named Happy, wild and free.
Upon Great Orme, he roamed the heights,
Seeking greener pastures, new delights.

Tourists marveled at his agile grace,
As Happy climbed with steady pace.
His shaggy coat, a sight to be,
A symbol of rugged liberty.

But amidst the awe, a whispered rue,
For Happy's hunger, gardens knew.
Local gardeners, with hearts dismayed,
Watched as their blooms became Happy's raid.

Yet still, he wandered, undeterred,
Through fields and hedgerows, he preferred.
His quest for sustenance, pure and true,
In the rugged landscape, ever anew.

Though some may grumble at his feast,
Happy's spirit never ceased.
For in Llandudno, he found his home,
On Great Orme, where the wild goats roam.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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