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hiya lovelies, so I'm doing a little university applyfic/oc book that is going to just be a cute little side project. There's nothing really to it, it's just going to be about a friend group in university and basically their lifes going through university. There is no "set plot" and it really just- think of a slice of life anime. That's the best I can describe it. I was going to make it an actual applyfic but I felt like it was just going to be too much work so instead I had announced it on my discord server (for my applyfic MISSION FLEX) and I figured hey I have a few new faces in FUSE so why not announce it here? I will be linking the docs form and ALSO my own oc's form as kind of an "example" and I should also have a little more information on the book itself on the docs form.

If you are interested please either comment here or dm me FIRST so I can kind of get an idea of how many ocs I can end up having. There isn't a set number but in my head it's just a big ass friend group and their adventures through university I guess. Anyways have fun with the forms!

OH and if you want to like be my oc's roommate/etc, just message me about that as well (I am also okay with you setting up plans with other creators and their ocs if that's smth you're interested in). Lastly, if you're only in FUSE and not in my MISSION FLEX applyfic and you have a discord, maybe add that to your form. Disc is just super easy to be active in and there might be a gc for this so you can kinda meet the other peep's ocs?? Not sure yet but yeah! Fun!

docs empty form ->

my oc's form ->

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