A Game of It

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Xiao walks in on Morax warming Tartaglia's cock with his mouth.

CW: Contains Smut


"Have you seen Lord Morax?"

Tartaglia winces at the sound of Xiao's voice as he opens the door and pokes his head through. Of all the people. Not that Katya would be a better choice but at least she would take this sort of thing with humor. And maybe a little blackmail. Tartaglia still owes her a week of vacation and were it her she could easily be bribed to shut her mouth.

Xiao though—

Morax shifts between his legs and Tartaglia has to cough into his hand to hide a moan. A quick flit of his eyes down to see Morax's mouth slotted around his half-hard cock, warming it between his lips. "A game," he'd said, interrupting Tartaglia's paperwork. "Do your best to not be distracted."

Alone is fine. When alone, Tartaglia can pet Morax's hair as he reads through his reports. Morax doesn't have to be quiet, able to loose those breathy little sounds that keep Tartaglia's cock at a constant half-chub. His eyes flicker to Xiao who has stepped into the room with a narrowed expression.

Anyone but him. There isn't a doubt in Tartaglia's mind that Xiao would find this sort of thing blasphemous. And maybe it is—since when was it appropriate for an Emperor to kneel before another? Least of all with the intention of sucking his cock.

Tartaglia has often counted his blessing as of late but at this moment his face burns red with embarrassment.

"Lord Tartaglia?" Xiao's voice is a touch too cool.

"Sorry—sorry. Distracted." Tartaglia gestures to the papers piled on his desk. "You know what they say about work and no play."

A furrow cuts through Xiao's brow. "I do not."

"Right. You are—" Well, he is certainly something. He also has a good nose so if Tartaglia doesn't rein in the heat the curls in his belly, Xiao will know instantly just what his ruler has been up to. And Morax may not care but Tartaglia does.

A shaky laugh bubbles from the back of his throat. "I haven't seen him all day," continues Tartaglia. "Or, at least, since our mid-morning tea. We shared the garden and he brewed a blend of jasmine and oolong. It was pretty tasty and that's coming from a guy who doesn't think much about tea—"

"You're babbling." It's accusatory. Xiao's head tilts slightly to the side as he looks Tartaglia up and down. "You never babble."

"I—" Morax does the unthinkable. He sucks at his length, sliding his tongue across the bottom before settling into a more comfortable position. Tartaglia chokes. Xiao raises a brow. "Dry air. The... air is so dry here. Sometimes I just hack everything up."

"Liyue has a temperate climate."

"So says you. Have you been to Snezhnaya? Would you know the difference?"

"I am not an uneducated fool," Xiao bites out tersely.

Oh, Tartaglia struck a nerve. Any other time would be amusing and he'd dig deeper just to rattle Xaio's bones but Tartaglia can't think straight with the softness of Morax's mouth wrapped around his dick.

"Look, I'm not sure where—"

"He has attached himself to you like a Slime. You must have some sort of inkling."

Morax huffs softly at that, laughing around his cock. Stop that. Stop that, stop that—

"I'm not his keeper," Tartaglia shakily manages. "He comes and goes as he pleases." As evidenced by the fact he has Tartaglia's cock currently twitching in his mouth. Another glance down shows that Morax watches him back, smiling around his length, amused by the situation.

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