Coffee, Books & Rain

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In the gentle patter of rain's soft embrace,
I sip my coffee, lost in its warm grace.
The aroma swirls, a comforting brew,
As I settle in with a book anew.

Pages turn, like raindrops on glass,
Each word a drop in time's gentle pass.
Lost in the world that the author weaves,
As rain outside whispers secrets, it retrieves.

Coffee warms my hands, as stories unfold,
In the rhythm of rain, my heart finds hold.
Characters dance in the storm's soft refrain,
As I lose myself in the book's terrain.

With each sip, with each turn of the page,
I journey far, beyond the world's stage.
For in the trifecta of coffee, rain, and book,
I find solace, in the peace they took.

So let the rain fall, let the coffee brew,
With a good book in hand, I'll see it through.
For in this moment, in this cozy nook,
I find joy in the simple pleasures, I took.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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