Short story

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It was a cheerful day in ponyville. The sun shiny and grass green, the background noise of ponies doing daily tasks and having fun. No one really could bring much attention to themselves, it was a peaceful town.. sometimes. Though no one seemed to special in the town besides the unique cutiemarks each pony earned, the story followed some interesting? Can you describe them in such way? Who cares, the story follows six ponies.. twilight sparkles, flutter-shy, rainbow dash, rarity, pinky pie, and applejack. They spent time doing their hobbies.

The group was slowly growing apart, none of them making time to hang out with each other, no one willingly making time for their own friends.. pitiful..


"Come on, please! No one hangs out with each other anymore... it's lonely, please! Please rainbow dash, maybe even 10 minutes of your day!"

*pinky exclaimed!

"No pinky, I'm busy, can't leave me alone, your so annoying"

*rainbow dash scoffed


*pinky sounded heart broken*

*rainbow realized her words*

"wait, no, no, i didnt mean it like that, its just.. im sorry pinky I shouldn't have said that. Im just a bit stressed, i have sky duty right now okay.. i have to go"

*rainbow then left*


*pinky said softly and heart boken*

Pinky was tired of none of her friends hanging out with her, what happened, what's going on, what happed to the magic of friendship, the adventurers... why?

Pinky ran off her house, she had already asked all her other friends.. every one was to BuSy, ugh....

Pinky was going insane, why was no one making time for her, friendship?! WHATS GOING ON!

To release some anger she decided to bake.. she ended up with a bit to many, but what's so wrong with just handing them out, i mean pinky can't finish them ALL by her self.

With a fake happy smile she passed out her cupcakes. It actually began making her feel a bit better, more alive as a pony. Giving cute cupcakes made with pure love and friendship. It was worth it to pinky in the end, to see each ponies bright big smile that almost went up to their eyes when they got the cupcake

Pinky then went to twilights house, there was everyone, applejack, fluttershy, twightlight, rarity, rainbowdash, and even spike.. AWWW they must have heard how sad pinky was with the lack of all her friends being to busy

"AWWWW, guys, you devised a super duper party just for pinky! Thank you"

*pinky giggled*

"Of course pinky, we love you, we would never do something to hurt you, never ever, your our super best friend"

*pinky answered to herself, pinky's eyes were a bit dark, tired.. mental*

"Yeah, I agree with twightlight, we would never do something to hurt your feelings"

*pinky answered again, pinky's hair was its sad and dull pink that went straight down instead of her normal curly hair*

"Of course, I piggyback on twightlight and rainbow dash's statement, your an amazing baker and best friend"

*pinky answered again, pinky giggled to herself*



*pinky's giggle grew, it sounded psychotic*

"You guys are to kind"


*pinky giggled to herself, shoving her cupcakes in her friend's mouths... one by one, she filled her friends with the delicious, pink, cupcakes, forgetting to take off the cupcakes linings out of excitement? Yeah pure and sweet excitement*

"Heheh.. he...heheheheh..."


*pinky suddenly woke up.. she looked around.. where was everyone...she got up from her comfy bed.. weird why was there cupcakes everywhere.*

"what an odd dream"

*pinky thought*

*pinky than went up the stairs of her basement.. her hooves covered and blood... the basement door locked from the outside...*

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