smth just snapped inside of me

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Don't mind the title :v

Anyways, today, I finally got a position in school. After 6 YEARS IN SCHOOL, JUST NOW?!! Bruh. But it's okay, I'm still really grateful :D

I got a penolong ketua kelas (assistant head of the Class) position. Just pray for me so I can keep up my good work and grades for now :')

Also, the ketua kelas (head of the class) is my friend's crush so I gotta be DISTANCING myself away from that guy :D

I respect my friend, but I don't get what does she sees in him. Like, that guy isn't even THAT good looking?? :/

Anyways, that's all, byee :)

Me? :0Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora