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Shyeni and Ahilya passes through corridor and knocks the door of the cabin, the gatekeeper stand nearby enters the password and opens the gate for them.

“ May we come in sir!”.

“ Yes come in!”.

They both steps inside the room and slowly goes to their spouse and stands beside them.

“ Ahilya I want to tell you something, that may make you get frightened but I have no other option”.

She asks with trembled voice“ What happens sir? Is there something wrong?”.

Abhijeet takes a deep breath before telling him about her son.

“ Ahilya the demons are trying to kidnap you son and they are planning to make him a vassal of their god”.

“ What vassal? Sir I don’t get it, what you trying to say? Can you make it more easier to understand?”.

“ It means they choose your son or can say our secret agent to implant their demon god’s soul into it and his soul will consume your son’s body energy to revive him.

The information we have regarding to this process of reviving him is that they will feed him some kind of soup as some tribes do in their rituals.

After that they will implant it into his body. Once this process is done we also don’t know it effects on his body and his mental health”.

“ Is their any way to protect my child?”.

“ We can only guard him, so they won’t take him away. Once Rudra got implanted his soul, we have nothing to save him after that and we also don’t know what his medical condition will be “.

“ So what is your next step”.

“ I am assigning 4 S tier of our officers in his protection and under that many A tier officers are assigned to protect him and I am also assigning you two also because now Rudra will spend his whole days with you three (Aniruddh, Ahilya and Shyeni)”.

Ahilya interrupts “ Sir! One more person is also here”.

“ Who?”.

“ Rudra’s female friend! actually she is very close to these both Childrens and Aniruddh also helps her to escape from their and she is not used to with these demonic stuffs”.

“ Aniruddh, Do we allow her?”.

“ Sir! In my opinion! we should allow her, she won’t be a problem for us and She don’t have much friends either”.

“ Ok then she can also accompany you”.

Gautam asks “ Sir is there any update regards to the investigation”.

“ No! We don’t”.

Rudra asks “ Sir! Will I get some missions”.

“ Sorry Rudra! But your protection is our priority than assigning you any kind of secret missions.

Arun you will reach to the headquarters within 4 hours, so everybody take a proper rest. May be you guys can get some upper rank mission onwards and keep guarding Rudra.

Meeting overs here”.

With this Abhijeet ends the meeting.

 They comes out from the cabin and starts walking with small and slow steps in corridor.

Aniruddh advices him in a low voice “ Rudra don’t tell anything to Bhavya about what is happening”.

“ Yes! you are right!”.

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