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(Tommy's P.O.V.)
I sat down at the breakfast table beside my siblings, as Polly gave us each a plate eith breakfast. "Anyone seen Sasha?" She asked looking between all the siblings. Our brother hadn't returned home last night after we left the Garrison. "Probably getting into trouble just for the sake of causing mayhem" Ada answered grabbing the cup of tea in front of her. Our 17 year old brother was known to cause trouble where ever he went. His provocative attitude frequently gets him into fights, which of course he will mever back down even if its a loosing battle. I will admit that the kid learned how to take a punch very quickly. Sasha also uses his smarts to pull off lucrative schemes to get money and is known to leave a string of broken hearts behind him. The front door opened and in walked a shirtless Sasha. His white dress shirt hanging over his shoulder as he held his coat in his hands. Sasha stopped in the doorway as he saw us looking at him. "What?" He questioned, his eyes moving between each sibling. "Never would've thought I'd see the day where you would have to do the walk of shame" Arthur laughed leaning back in his chair as he looked our brother up and down. A smirk made its way on our Sasha's lips "I don't do walk of shames, Arthur". Polly and Ada both rolled their eyes at his remark. Sasha moved over to the table to nick some of the scrambled eggs of from John's plate. Immediatly getting his hand smacked away by the older brother, which only made the teen laugh. "Get dressed, you're late for school" Polly told the youngster as she pointed to the stairs, "oh come on, aunt Poll, I don’t want to sit in a lecture that teaches me how to modify algorithms instead of to think for myself" there he went again, rambling on about how school is not going to help him out in life, "the people working the weaving machines, in the 17th century. You know, they didn’t see the steam engine coming" he continued earning a harsh glare from Polly "upstairs, now!" She sneered and giving him a kick to get a move on. As Sasha walked up the stairs he still continued his rambling "One invention is all it took to start the industrial revolution" he called from the stairway. "You can drop out of school if you make an invention that will start a new revolution!" Polly called out, "but until then, you're going to school!". I turned my attention to my aunt after Sasha had dissapeared out of sight, "you know he'll make an invention purely out of spite, right?" I told her. "An useless invention aswell" Arthur laughed loudly.

Published: 13th of March 2024

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