Marquis of Lorne

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(Sasha's P.O.V.)
I bounce on the soles of my barefeet, as light as a feather, so I can dodge the coming attacks with agility. I duck to avoid a swing and then punch out toward my opponents kidney. Who immediatly crumbles over in pain, clutching his side. With one quick knee to his temple, I knock him out. My opponent falls to the ground unconcious and I smirk, as the cheering grows loudly and the bookie announces my win. "should've blocked, my friend" I chuckled to myself as I eye my opponent. "Sasha!" I hear my name being called out. I turn and see Isaiah and Michael walk over to the ring. "Hello boys" I smirk and approach the ropes before leaning on them ro find oyt what the two want. "still winning I see" Michael said and nodds behind me. I glance briefly over my shoulder to look at the boy who is being awokened by his trainer. "Got to get paid somehow" I tell them with a shrugg as I see the Bookie approach me with my payment. "Let's go and get a drink" Isaiah stated as I climb out the ring, after retrieving my money. "Now why would I want to do that?" I question him curiously. Allthough I get along with my cousin and Isaiah, they have never really invited me to come along for drinks. Sure, I've met them when I went to the pubs and then drunk with them. But other than that, we kept to our own agenda. "Come on, it's pay day" Isaiah begs for me to come, "everybody has a drink on pay day". "Then go have a drink" I tell him, as I grab my shirt and pull it on, "no ones stopping you". "They won't serve a black man without a Shelby by his side" Isaiah confessed. I looked up while I buttoned up the dress shirt and glanced at Michael "you're standing beside a Shelby, Isaiah". The boy rolled his eyes in annoyence. "Come on, Sasha" Michael now began too. "Oh, what the hell" I snicker and shake my head, agreeing to come along.

(Michael's P.O.V.)
All three of us walked into the Marquis of Lorne. Sasha didn't follow us to the bar, instead walked off to two girls who stood close to the entrance. It was clear as day, that he was going to use his famous charm. Out of all the brothers, Alexander 'Sasha' Shelby, had the best game. With a smooth tongue, a flattering smile and brown eyes that melt in golden rays when the sun shines in them, it came naturally. I shake my head and follow Isaiah to the bar. "Two pints of dark mild, please" I said and put down some money. "Fuck that. We are Peaky boys. Two whiskeys" Isaiah said and leaned on the bar. I lit a cigarette while we waited for our drink. I cough slightly at the harshness of the smoke. "You get used to it. Then you can't stop" Isaiah laughed at me and smoked his own cigarette. Then suddenly a whistle emerged from behind us. I turn to look over my shoulder and spot a man standing behind us. Clear annoyence was evident on his face. "I don't drink with black" the man sneered looking at Isaiah. From the corner of my eye I could see Sasha pay attention to our conversation with the man. Ignoring the girls who tried to retrieve his attention. "Here we fucking go" Isaiah replied back and steps away from the bar. "Paddy, they're okay" the bartender said to the man. "Not with me they're not. I don't drink in pubs with blacks" Paddy told the bartender, "so leave" I told him and nodded to the door. Yet Paddy didn't leave. "look, my dad is the preacher round here. He has connections. Ask anybody" Isaiah responded getting a scoff from Paddy "I couldn't give a fuck who he is". "I'm telling you. Leave it, Paddy" the bartender said once again, trying to dispute a potential fight. The bartender was trying to get it through Paddy's thick head that we are not to be messed with. "And I'm telling this darkie to get out of here". Isaiah turned around at his line again "You know something? Fuck off". "It's alright Isaiah, leave it. We'll go to my cousins pub" I said putting a hand on my friend's shoulder. "I like it here" Isaiah snapped at me. "You fucking - " Paddy said using a racial slur against Isaiah and threw a hard hitting punch. That was it and we began our fight. People screaming and shouting as they tried to get out of our way. Glass shattering. The sound of fists connecting with faces filled the air. Someone grabbed me in a headlock and put pressure on me. Looking over at Isaiah, I could see he was getting roughed up aswell. Then suddenly a gun was fired off and everybody around us flinched and went down in fear. The men we had been fighting instantly stopped, yet held us. I looked up and saw that it was Sasha who had fired of the gun. And now was pointing it at Paddy. "Now that was really dumb off you, wasn't it?" Sasha tutted and shook his head at Paddy, "fighting with my cousin and friend".

 "Now that was really dumb off you, wasn't it?" Sasha tutted and shook his head at Paddy, "fighting with my cousin and friend"

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Immediatly me and Isaiah got released, when the men realized who had accompanied us. "Sasha" Paddy began sounding terrified, but was instantly cut off by my cousin, "Alexander". Reminding Paddy of Sasha's actual name, not allowing the man to use his nickname, which only a few people where priviledged to use. "I'm sorry... I-I didn't know" Paddy apologized, sputtering his words out. "Get out" Sasha ordered and flicked the gun to point at the door before returning it to Paddy. "I-I" Paddy continued and stepped away from us. "Get out the fucking pub" Isaiah sneered at him, "I-I'm sorry. I really didn't know". Paddy turned to his friends "let's get the fuck out of here". Sasha holstered his gun in the shoulder holster he was wearing "that's the best thing I've heard from your mouth, all night" Sasha remarked. After Paddy and his mates left the pub, Sasha turned to walk up to the bar. He didn't awknowledge the barman and just leaned over the bar and pulled up a bottle of whiskey from behind it. Pulling the cork out of the neck of the bottle with his teeth, spitting it out, then taking a drink straight from the bottle. Before leaving the pub all together. I spotted the dissapointed faces from the girls as the realisation hit them, that their chance of being with a Shelby was now gone. After all, a girl who is beside a Shelby will get treated like a princess. But then again, when it comes to Sasha he won't settle in a relationship, he enjoys the life of a bachelor to much. People will know that these girls caught the attention of him, but wont treat them differently, because they weren't his girl so to speak.

(Sasha's P.O.V.)
I walked out the Marquis of Lorne. Glancing behind me noticing that Michael and Isaiah followed me, on the way to the Garrison. "His face, man. Did you see his fucking face?" Michael said laughing to Isaiah, "you punch like a fucking kangaroo" Isaiah commented. They continued talking about the fight as we neared the pub. I opened the door and got inside being met with the chattering of the occupients. "Fucking hell, it's packed in here, isn't it?" Michael said walking past me to the bar as I waited for them, with my bottle in hand. Once they got their drinks I walked into the private room, immediatly spotting my other brothers. Arthur, John and Finn. "Here they are, look" Arthur said as he spotted us, "junior Peaky Boys". I looked down at the table and saw they were playing some sort of card game. "What's happened to you, have you been scrapping?" Arthur asked as he looked at their bloody knuckles. "Oh. Some idiots at the Marquis of Lorne tried to stop me and Isaiah from drinking. But it's all right. We fought them off" Michael said proudly. "The Marquis, eh?" Arthur said looking over at me, "oh I didn't fight" I admitted and lit a cigarette. "Then why are your-" John questioned looking at my bloody and bruised knuckles, "fighting ring" I said simply before John could finish his sentence. Arthur raised an eyebrow "fighting ring?". "Had a free period" I lied through my teeth. Arthur nodded, but held a suspicious eye contact with me. I hid my lie behind a mask of boredom. "Marwuis, ay?" He then said and fixed his suit jacket and stood up. In sync with John and Arthur, but the older brothers of course oushed the youngest down immediatly. "Don't nick any of my chips, Finn!" John said to our little brother, "where are you going?" Michael questioned turning to look at the departing duo, "we won't be long" Arthur responded. They walked past me and I stopped Arthur in his tracks. The door closed and I sunk down in the chair. "What are they doing?" Michael asked looking over at his friend. "Marquis of Lorne. Shame. It was a nice pub" Isaiah replied. Michael looked over towards me with a question look. "Gasoline, alchol and a little match" I told him giving him enough information to figure out what my brothers where going to do. "They shouldn't have done that for me" Michael answered softly with a sigh. I lifted my head "they didn't do it for you. They did it for the good name of the company". No one gets to fuck with the Blinder without consequence. Even if it was not directly the pub owners fault. It will be held responsible for it none the less. If a Shelby is in your building you make sure everybody behaves and show respect.

Published: 30th of March 2024

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