13: The Immortal Curse

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As Y/N found herself suspended in the sky, a disembodied voice began to narrate the tale unfolding before her.

"Once upon a time, in a kingdom filled with magic, joy, and love, there ruled a kind king and queen," the voice began, its tone carrying the weight of ages. "The queen was about to give birth to a child, but her condition was critical."

Y/N listened intently as the story unfolded, her heart pounding with anticipation. She watched as the queen bravely brought a beautiful baby boy into the world, his eyes sparkling with an otherworldly light. But her joy turned to sorrow as the queen's life slipped away, leaving the kingdom in mourning.

"The baby boy was shown to the entire kingdom as their prince," the voice continued, and Y/N's breath caught in her throat. "And the king announced his name: Prince Taehyung."

At the mention of the name, Y/N's shock was palpable. "Taehyung," she whispered, her mind reeling with the realization that she was witnessing the very story of the man she had known in her own world.

As the voice continued to narrate the tale of Prince Taehyung, Y/N found herself drawn deeper into the story, her heart heavy with the weight of destiny.

Y/N's voice echoed softly in the ethereal realm as she watched the events of the prince's early life unfold before her.

The baby Tae was taken to the royal wizard, whose peculiar behavior caught the attention of the king. Sensing something amiss, the king inquired about the wizard's unusual demeanor upon seeing his son.

The wizard, shaken from his trance-like state, warned the king of an impending crisis, his voice filled with a sense of urgency. He spoke of a dark cloud looming over the prince's future, a foreboding sign that had been revealed to him by his magical mirror.

The king's brow furrowed with concern as he absorbed the wizard's words. "What should we do, then?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

The wizard hesitated, his gaze flickering to the mirror that stood nearby. "I am not sure," he admitted, his tone grave. "This mirror only predicts major crises, and it has called out to me after a long time."

The king nodded thoughtfully, his mind racing with the weight of the revelation. "Until we know what's coming," he declared, "we will reduce the number of people in the palace and keep the prince safe."

The wizard nodded in agreement, his expression somber. "That would be wise," he said, his voice tinged with a sense of foreboding.

Y/N listened in stunned silence, her mind reeling with the implications of the wizard's warning. "Crises?"

Suddenly, everything around her began to blur and shift, and Y/N felt herself falling deeper into the unknown. When she finally opened her eyes, she found herself in a world 21 years into the future.

It was Taehyung's 21st birthday and coronation day, a momentous occasion where he would be crowned as king. As the grand doors of the palace swung open, guests began to arrive, their voices filled with excitement and anticipation. Taehyung stood by his father's side, his nerves palpable as he questioned his ability to rule the kingdom. "Father, will I be able to rule the kingdom?" he asked, his voice tinged with doubt.

His father, the current king, placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Son, I know you will never let me down," he said with conviction.

Despite his father's words of encouragement, Taehyung couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty that gnawed at him. Since childhood, he had been kept away from crowds, and he couldn't understand why. As the time for the coronation drew near, Taehyung's mind was filled with questions and apprehension.

But just as the ceremony was about to begin, a sense of unease hung in the air, casting a shadow over the joyous occasion.

A dark shadow materialized out of nowhere, its ominous presence casting a chill over the grand hall. As it spread, a poisonous mist filled the air, causing chaos and panic among the guests. People began to collapse one by one, their bodies wracked with pain as the deadly toxin took hold.

Taehyung watched in horror as those around him succumbed to the dark magic, their life force draining away before his eyes. But to his astonishment, the shadowy mist seemed to have no effect on him. He stood frozen in place, his heart pounding in his chest as he witnessed the devastation unfolding around him.

In a matter of seconds, the once vibrant hall was transformed into a scene of death and despair. Taehyung's father, the king, lay lifeless before him, his eyes vacant and his breath stilled. Tears welled up in Taehyung's eyes as he knelt beside his father's lifeless form, a sense of overwhelming grief washing over him.

With a heavy heart, Taehyung realized that he was now faced with the daunting task of not only mourning the loss of his beloved father, but also assuming the mantle of leadership in the wake of this tragedy. As the last echoes of the dark magic faded away, he knew that his journey as the new king had only just begun.

As the evil witch stood before him, her devilish smile sending shivers down his spine, Taehyung's heart pounded with fear and anger.

"What did you do to them?" he demanded, his voice trembling with emotion.

The witch's laughter echoed through the hall as she taunted him with her wicked words. "My dear prince, my true destiny is to trap you," she sneered, her eyes gleaming with malice.

Taehyung felt himself growing weaker and more feeble with each passing moment, the weight of his father's death and the burden of his kingdom's destruction bearing down on him like a crushing weight.

With a wave of her hand, the witch unleashed her dark magic upon him, causing him to suffer agonizing torment with every breath. Taehyung felt as though he was being consumed by darkness, his very soul on the brink of oblivion.

But in the depths of his despair, he heard the voices of his parents calling out to him, urging him not to give up. "Taehyung, you cannot lose like this. You must find the strength to overcome," they whispered, their words a beacon of hope in the darkness.

Summoning every ounce of his willpower, Taehyung's eyes snapped open, glowing with a newfound resolve. With a surge of pure energy, he unleashed his inner power, drawing in the dark magic that threatened to consume him.

In a blinding flash of light, he created a powerful ball of energy that engulfed the witch and everything around them. With a deafening roar, the dark power was vanquished, leaving nothing but ashes in its wake.

But as the dust settled, Taehyung realized that the dark and dangerous power had not been destroyed-it had been absorbed into him, merging with his very essence.

And thus, the immortal prince was born-a being of darkness and light, cursed with a power that threatened to consume him from within.

Y/N's eyes fluttered open as she found herself back in the library, with the wizard Lucian by her side. Tears welled up in her eyes as she whispered, "Tae..."

Lucian nodded solemnly, understanding the turmoil in her heart. "That's it," he confirmed, his voice gentle and reassuring.

Y/N wiped away her tears, her mind swirling with questions. "But why did she attack him and his kingdom? And why did he come to our world?" she wondered aloud, her voice filled with uncertainty.

Lucian sighed, his expression grave. "About the attack on his kingdom... that witch erased those memories from the book to conceal the truth," he explained. "As for why he came to your world, I'm afraid I do not know what was going on in his mind."

Y/N frowned, her brow furrowing with concern. "Then why me? Why am I the key to his story's ending?" she asked, her voice tinged with confusion.

The wizard regarded her with a knowing gaze. "Because, my dear, only you have the power to uncover the truth and bring closure to his tale," he replied. "I sense a connection between you and his world, a bond that transcends time and space."

Determined to find answers and bring an end to the mysteries that plagued both worlds, Y/N made a solemn vow. "I will go to his world and complete the ending," she declared, her voice filled with resolve.

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