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CHARIS FOUND SOLACE IN THE QUIET OF HER HOME, the familiar surroundings offering a brief respite from the tumult of her emotions. As Marilyn arrived later, Charis confided in her sister about her decision to leave school early, her heart heavy with the weight of her inner turmoil.

Charis sank onto her bed, the weight of her thoughts pressing down on her like a suffocating blanket. The music continued to play softly in the background, its comforting melodies failing to soothe the turmoil raging within her. She couldn't shake the feeling of despair that seemed to permeate every aspect of her life, casting a dark shadow over even the simplest of pleasures.

As she stared out of her bedroom window at the tops of the pine trees swaying gently in the breeze, she couldn't help but feel a sense of hopelessness wash over her. Each day seemed to blur into the next, filled with the same overwhelming emotions of dread, sadness, and anger that had become her constant companions.

How had she allowed herself to sink so low? What had gone wrong along the way, leading her to this point of despair? The accident had changed everything, casting a long shadow over her once bright future. But even before that, there had been signs of unrest, moments of doubt and uncertainty that had gnawed at her from within.

Perhaps if the accident hadn't happened, she thought bitterly, things would be different. Perhaps she wouldn't be trapped in this endless cycle of despair, searching desperately for a glimmer of hope in a world that seemed intent on crushing her spirit.

But deep down, she knew that even if the accident hadn't occurred, some other tragedy would have inevitably found its way into her life. It was the cruel nature of existence, the relentless march of time that spared no one from its indiscriminate cruelty.

Why did these things happen? What purpose did they serve, if any? Charis found herself grappling with questions that had no easy answers, her mind spinning with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

She closed her eyes, willing herself to find some semblance of peace in the darkness that threatened to consume her. But even in the silence of her own thoughts, there was no respite from the overwhelming sense of emptiness that seemed to engulf her.

She didn't enjoy things anymore, not reading, not hanging out, not eating. Even sleep eluded her, leaving her tossing and turning in the darkness, her mind plagued by restless thoughts and haunting dreams.

In that moment of despair, Charis felt as though she had reached the end of her rope, her strength depleted and her spirit broken. She couldn't see a way forward, couldn't imagine a future where things would ever be different.

And as she lay there, lost in the depths of her own despair, she couldn't help but wonder if there was anything left for her in this world, anything worth fighting for.

Marilyn, ever perceptive, arrived at home and immediately sensed Charis's distress and offered her unwavering support. Despite her skepticism, she respected Charis's need for space, understanding that some battles must be fought alone.

Meanwhile, Jackie's persistent messages about the extra credit only aggravated Charis's frustrations, her attempts at interference only added to the complexity of Charis's already tangled emotions. Charis couldn't help but resent Jackie's obliviousness to the role she played in the ongoing tension between her and Cole.

Marilyn prepared lunch for both herself and Charis, considering the needs of her family. She ensured there was enough for Austin as well, who had plans to assist George with agricultural tasks before heading to a bar with him and Will later. Despite Marilyn's efforts, Charis showed little appetite, her exhaustion, and melancholy overshadowing her desire to eat. Marilyn, perceptive as ever, understood Charis's troubled state and made an exception, excusing her lack of appetite for the time being.

THE WEIGHT OF DREAMS, Cole Walter ✓Where stories live. Discover now