♕Chapter 2♛

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The wedding had gone by, Aurora was now staring out the night sky in a new castle,

A castle she saw as a cage.

She stared at the full moon, remembering what had happened just two hours ago.

She had arrived at the new hall, And she saw her friend Alexandria there.

But she didn't have a chance to say hello, because she was whisked away by servants to get her in place for when the prince would arrive.

She was told, strangely, to walk down the aisle without the Prince being there.

So she did.

The priest who stood there told her to wait and stare out into the crowd who was now whispering about the absence of the prince

So she did.

And a few minutes later a tall, dark, long sharp haired, masked man walked through the gates.

The crowd fell silent.

Aurora remembered sensing that the crowd was afraid.

She was too.

Aurora's reminiscing was interrupted by the door behind her opening, startling her.

And in came the man who was now married to her, still wearing his mask.

Aurora looked at the dark tall man with hatred and fear but mainly fear.

But she knew she had to be brave so she looked at him with a blank face.

"Hello there..."

Aurora said, straightening her back.

Prince Maverick stood there not saying a word, He turned his back towards Aurora and removed the mask from his face.

Then he spoke still turned away from her

"I have removed my mask, but only so I don't sleep with it on, don't you dare look at me without it"

He established with his deep voice.


Aurora replied, starting to question him, but she decided against it.

He laid on the bed that was in the room turned away from her.

Aurora wasn't fully sure what to do, She had changed out of her wedding gown and into her night suit. Then she was ushered into the bedroom.

She decided to lay next to him unsure of herself, daring herself not to look at his face.

"I hate this, why must I have been to married him, I'm afraid that I won't be able to survive living with him"

She thought.

She got out of bed slowly and sat back on a chair.

She wanted to send a letter to Alexandria,

about how it was unfair that she was and Alexandria was to marry two princes who they both didn't even know.

She thought that Alexandria was the luckiest because she married a prince that everyone adores.

but she married a prince who was known to be crazed and ruthless.

"I wish I can leave but it's hard when you have to fulfill your duties. I hope Alexis is doing well."

Meanwhile Alexis

She was just reading a book until Prince Luther came in.

"Hello there Luther, how are you?

She asked trying to get a conversation in

"Tired, it's been horrible for me as the prince. I must of course tend to my duties and deal with the Senate but how was your day, lady Alexandria?

"Not too bad I suppose I guess being told off by the maids about my soon to be royal duties now that I'm married to you..

"Sorry about that lady Alexandria, my staff have always been the one to fuss about things that aren't too important.

"I wonder how my friend Aurora is doing.

"You mean Princess Aurora? I heard she's really well known. Many men have asked for her hand in marriage but were unsuccessful because there was one thing blocking the fact that she was already betrothed?.

"Well yes that's true but anyways I heard about the recent news about a war happening between the Gerna kingdom and yours..

"Well yes you're right but I gave serious orders not to mention the upcoming war..

"Oh I didn't hear it from your staff. I'm interested about the affairs of war and the news about it. There's a lot about me then you think.

"You know you're much different than others. I heard things about you lady Alexandria, you're known to be hotheaded and strong. I never knew you agreed so well to a marriage like this.

"I know it's strange I'm not like the person who would be married at such a time like this or have thoughts to marry at all but I did it for my people and my family.

"I think it's time to go to bed I guess we'll goodnight lady Alexandria

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