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"Get out of here!!" "Perverted freak!!" "Disgusting!!" Slam. The door closed right in front of him. "Maybe going to the girls shower room wasn't such a great idea. ." Of course not Plus Boy, what the hell were you thinking?! Welp, at least he saved his towel from being left behind. He tied it around his waist and made his way out of the scene.
Since none of the girls were roaming around, because they were showering, everything seemed so. . .boring. Plus Boy had no entertainment to please himself with, even running out of things to watch on TV. You know what I mean.
"Crap. . .It's almost curfew." Well damn, it's too late to do anything now. If he waited for the girls to come out of the bathroom, he could get caught and beaten out of the way again. It was just too tiresome to deal with.
"I guess I'll wait until tomorrow."
He sighed, making his way towards his room. This sucks. He murmured and cursed under his breath until he came to a halt, a sweet smell seemed to come across him. Roses? No, something more sweeter, like a perfume a girl would wear. A girl?! Of course, what boy would wear something so sweet as to what he was smelling. Even more, it was just too girly! 'Maybe a girly girl in pink laced panties, even more pink laced-' His imagination ran wild.
Following the scent throughout the house, he was getting strange looks from all the male modules and versions, as if he were crazy. He finally turned to Star Mine, "You smell that, don't you?!"
Star Mine stood there in confusion, "Smell what. .?"
"I don't know, it's a strong smell, are you sure you can't?!" Plus Boy shouted out, was he going crazy then?
"Oh, oh! Bad Boy farted earlier, maybe that's what your smelling. . .bleeegh!~" Energy tried to answer, sticking out his tongue.
"No. . . .No this smell is sweet!!!" Plus Boy ran away to continue investigating. He can't waste time.
Finally, he arrived at the location he was looking for. Holy. . . .Catching his breath, he put his hand on the door. This door seemed so familiar, he just couldn't recall. "But this is a. . ." This room was in the boys side of the house. What? Gently, curiosity hit him as he let his hand slip through the small golden door knob, turning it and opening the door.
"Booooy ~"
"Oh damn. . ."

Oh damn indeed, this is pretty lame. Ahhh, I'll make this work out like X and Y, X and X, or Y and Y. Lmaoooo. Heeeeeh well, I have a feeling you know what will happen, and if you don't, go ahead and guess it. Of course, certainly this'll be lemon. Although my lemon suuuucks. Either way, I have a habit of rushing things too, so if you see that, please ignore it . <3

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