The Golden Prophet

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P.s: The story begins before episode 5

The planet of Cooper-9, a cold, bare planet. Left at the mercy of nuclear waste left by the humans, who caused the collapsing of the planets core, leaving a hallow center. Yet it is not left unused, for something lies beneath the surface. Down below lies large cave systems and rocky surfaces.

Their wings beat in a marching rhythm as they landed on a cliffside. The only thing visible being their figure, which was reminiscent of a wyvern with fishlike fins and tail end. They stalked into a cave with heavy footsteps. Near the center of the cave, they stopped, lowering their head into a bow.

Their voice low yet calming.

???: "Dear sovereign, I come with pleasant news this dreary sunset."

A more feminine voice spoke, coming from the farther side of the cave, shrouded in darkness.

???: "Rise and inform."

The figure from before rose slowly to an upright position before speaking once more.

???: "I believe to have located our infinity's salvation, yet she needs time to uncover her averting faculty."

There was silence for a moment before the other voice replied.

???: "Prophet of ours, message them their fate, then return to me."

The wyvern figure bowed once more.

???: "As the Prophet of Gold, I shan't fail you, my sovereign."

The, now stated, Prophet of Gold then turned and flew from the cave to reach the surface.


Uzi had just returned to the spire, having brought salvages with her. V and her had a bet, which she lost, and whoever lost had to take the other person's least favorite chore. And for V, it was scavenging. Uzi usually didn't mind it, but it could be inferiorating when she couldn't find anything.

As Uzi entered the spire, N had flown up to her.

N: "Hey Uzi! Do you need me to carry a few things?

Uzi looked up at him, not expecting the sudden greet but didn't mind.

Uzi: "Uhh ya, thanks."

N then grabbed one of the two stuff bags out of her hand and helped carry them into the pod. V was sleeping in the chair when they entered. Uzi and N set their bags on the floor next to the control panel. Uzi sat down in the other swivel chair with a sigh, while N went and sat on a gray bean bag chair they found not too long ago.

At this point, V had woken up and immediately decided to mess with Uzi.

V: "Sooo, how was it?"

Uzi was too tired to deal with V's shenanigans and was already ticked off.

Uzi: "Oh shut it."

V: "What? Still mad you lost, Hmmm."

Uzi: "I said. Shut. It! And go fuck yourself while you at it."

Uzi turned on her side away from V. Sorta in a fetal position. V decided to quit pestering for the time being. Seeing Uzi was running a short fuse.

N had passed out as well. He had just gotten back from getting a few things from the colony. He was there for a majority of the sunset. V was about to fall back asleep when loud stomps sounded from outside.

Everyone jumped up and out of their seats, startled by the noise. Uzi immediately ran out the hatched door. V and N followed behind. Once they got outside, they saw nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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