Chapter 1.

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"..Katsuki.." I said in a whisper. I had no energy left. No spirit, no emotion. His eyes held so much fear as he ran towards my falling, bloody body. "NO! No! Please! Please (Y/N)! You dumbass! Wh-what did you do!?" " you..Katsuki."

4 years later..

I sat at my desk, finishing up my paperwork to hand in, every inch of my body aching. I sighed as I walked into his office, placing the reports on his desk. "All done sir. I'll see you tomorrow.." He turned his chair to face me. "(Y/N), we need to talk." I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest. "What Mirio?" He smiled sadly at me. "It's's about to be that date again. You still don't you're getting better. You'd tell me if-" "Mirio please. We have this conversation every year.." "And every year you ignore me and him. Don't you think you should at least talk to him?" I avoided his gaze as I bit my tongue. "I'd just weigh him down. He's come so far. He doesn't need..a quirkless loser around him.." Mirio flinched at my words.

That day will always haunt me. But if I didn't throw myself in front of Katsuki, he would've lost his power. The League somehow got their hands back on the bullet made from Overhaul years later. During an ongoing investigation trying to find out how and when they got their hands on this once more, Shigaraki, Dabi and Toga attacked us with a Nomu. If I didn't throw myself in front of my friends, my family..they would have lost their quirks or worse..died.

After losing my quirk to the League, I fell into a deep depression. I went into a facility for my mental health. That day, I was prepared to die for him..for them. I would've done anything as long as they all survived. Katsuki's so special and has come so far. I've loved him since we were kids but..

"I did what I needed to he could thrive." "He may be thriving (Y/N) but we can all see that he needs you.." I bitterly laughed at his statement. "He's moved on. I'm not stupid. I see the articles and interviews. She gushes about him constantly." "Yea but-" "Mirio, I promise I'm ok. I'm happy as long as he is.." "That's what I'm trying to say! He's miserable (Y/N)! He's not ok! He's just trying to get by just like you" I felt my body tense and my heart sink. "He's trying just as hard as you. Please him." He pleaded as he handed me a slip of paper with Bakugo's number on it. "I'll think about it.." Mirio sighed as I rushed out of the office. I couldn't bare the pain he held as he looked my way.

That day, I didn't only save Katsuki..I also shielded Mirio from the bullets. I was Mirio's apprentice at the time even though he was only two years older than me. He was so impressed with my quirk that he signed me as soon as he could. I just happened to get my powers stolen from me months later. And I'm still reaping the unfortunate benefits from it. My aching body was a constant reminder that I'm painfully alive. I'm still breathing. Some days are harder than others. Some days I just want to give up. But then I remember what I'm still breathing for.

Our Eri.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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