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(Maybe) a bit of PTSD
Crying (not sad, just saying)

You've been warned.

Saw and Gaty are gay as hell in this story, anyway enjoy the story!

Saw left her bedroom and went to the kitchen to see Pin, who gave Saw a warm smile, Coiny, who waved at her, Braf Bag and Donut where talking and they said hey to her then went back to talking, Needle listening to music and didn't seem to notice she was there, and Gaty was waiting for Saw to wake up, and the moment she saw Saw, she got up and ran towards Saw and hugged her. Saw was surprised by the hug because she just woke up, even though it was 11:00 in the morning, but she hugged Gaty back. A couple hours later, Gaty and Saw were talking to Book, who looked completely done with their team.

So.. Pillow lit up Bomby's hair and Taggy pushed him out the window?
Then later Naily threw a table at Taggy?

Book said in annoyance, holding their probably third cup of coffee, Saw's giggling escalated into laughter, but Gaty stared at Book, like they understand, and also looked annoyed

"Don't worry about it, you'll get used to it."
"I probably won't, but you got lucky."
"Gaty, your crush helped you."

Gaty's face immediately flushed and she pulled Book down to see them face to face, Book didn't seem bothered by it, though.

Book, shut the fuck up!
It's true isn't it?
Well, yes, but-
So please let me go

Gaty apologized to Book and they both looked at Saw, who was confused and considered, but didn't say anything. They all talked for 2 more hours, then Book's team needed them for something, Book just sighed and said bye, and walked away. Once they left, Gaty looked at the taller, pink haired girl next to her, and smiled softly. She knew she had a crush on Saw for a while, and she knew Book was correct, she wanted to tell Saw she liked her, but she was worried that would ruin their friendship, and like hell she wanted that. So, any time she got the chance to hang out with Saw, she took it. Saw looked at Gaty and she looked away immediately before Saw could ask if something was wrong.

So, wanna get something to eat?

Saw's excitement, and little cheer pierced through Gaty's heart because she thought it was cute. When they got some fast food, they went back to the hotel. Once they entered the hotel, they were greeted by Robot Flower, they said hi, and went into the elevator and went to 'Team8s' floor, and went to Gaty's room. When Saw closed the door, Gaty flopped on her bed, and Saw placed the Taco Bell bag on Gaty's bed and sat down on Gaty's bed. Gaty sat up, and had her arms at her sides, Saw looked down at Gaty's hand and reached her hand out and placed it on Gaty's. Gaty looked over surprised, and Saw just smiled softly at her. Saw had never done this before, she could never touch anyone that was part of the "family" she had, but this was nice, Saw liked it. No, she didn't like it. She LOVED it. Saw liked Gaty, but had the same problem as Gaty. She wasn't sure if it was a good idea to tell Gaty, but she felt like she was lying to her, so she took her chance.

Hey Gaty?
You know how we've been friends for forever, and we side if either of us gets a crush we would tell the other?

Gaty froze. Why was Saw mentioning this? Did Saw like someone? Did she miss her chance, just because she was scared?! Did she have to listen to her crush ramble on about her crush!? Did she-. Gaty snapped out of her thoughts. No she was supposed to be happy that her friend had someone to gush over. Yeah. Friend.


Saw inhaled and kept it in for a bit and exhaled.

Well I like someone..

Gaty knew it. Her eyes were being pricked by tears. She wanted to scream so badly at that moment, but she couldn't.

But there is no easy way to say this.

Saw scooted closer to Gaty, Gaty felt her face get a bit hotter. Saw was really close to her now, she made Gaty look at her, Gaty was looking down at her legs. Gaty moved her body towards Saw. After a couple minutes of silence, Gaty didn't know how to feel, what was happening? Was she dreaming? They were so fucking close, Gaty wanted to kiss Saw so bad-. Saw closed the gap between them. Gaty was not expecting that! Eventually, after a minute of confusion, Gaty melted into the kiss, she raised her hand up to Saw's cheek. Saw thought she was dreaming too, but at the same time, knew it wasn't. After a minute or two, they pulled away from each other, Saw covered her mouth in surprise, she couldn't believe she did that. Gaty on the other hand, was so happy, she didn't have to "lie" anymore! She hugged Saw and held her close. Saw couldn't imagine this in a thousand years. She hugged Gaty back, and started crying. Gaty let go of Saw to see if she was okay. Saw said she was fine, just so happy.


After eating, they watched some videos. Saw was getting sleepy, but Gaty was awake, and didn't want to go to her room.

Heyyyy Gaty?
Can we cuddle?

Gaty could tell Saw was getting sleepy. She pulled Saw down, causing a small yelp of surprise. Gaty pulled Saw close. Once Saw was pulled close, she snuggled up close.

Mmm, I love youuu~

Saw hummed to Gaty, and Gaty let out a small giggle at it. It was cute.

I love you too

And there Saw slowly fell asleep in her girlfriend's arms, and Gaty was happy that her girlfriend was falling asleep in her arms.

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