Forever Friends (MTG Short Scene)

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(Scene taking place before the disappearance of the ponies.)

Skele yawned from the long day of hosting MTG. 

A plate gets placed in front of them. 

Skele looks up to see her friend, Ace Teenclerk. 

"Long day?" He asked. 

"Mhm," Skele replied as they stuffed their mouth with his special homemade treats. 

Skele was very grateful to have him as their friend. 

Skele settled their head on Ace Teenclerk's neck, "thanks for picking up the fillies." 

He gave them a warm loving smile, "it's not a problem. You don't have to worry about it..." 

"You're such a wonderful friend Ace," Skele muttered before the exhaustion finally drove them to sleep. 

Ace Teenclerk slightly frowned at the compliment, "I know, Skele... I know..."

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