Chapter 2

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Kyrrha's POV: 

It was breaktime during 9 pm. We all went to the cafeteria together. Me, Rosa, Tia and Eris. As usual, we just went there to buy snacks and drinks. After that, we would go back to our room but will stay on the hallways anyway.

We all stayed outside the room, on the hallways. Sharing talks, laughing and talking about our crushes. Very corny...

"I swear, he chatted me first and plus we're neighbors as well." Rosa said as she was talking about the guy she's in love with. She was giggling  and was wiggling herself. She has a light skin so a blush can be seen on her cheeks.

"We're talking about him again?" Tia said as she was drinking her juice from a straw while looking at Rosa. Her face says it all, as if she's thinking {Why don't you guys just date already..}

I looked at them, holding back my laughter. "Why don't you guys just date anyway?" I asked in a teasing tone as a smirk was seen on my face while looking at Rosa.

Rosa looked at me as if she was not pleased by my words. She then frowned.

"You know I haven't moved on from Paris yet.." she said with her tone that sounds too sad.

A little info about Rosa, she dated our classmate before. His name was Paris Tresivendo. Well he's goofy, smart and kind. It was shocking that Paris broke up with Rosa after valentines day. After he gave her a flower. It was so pathetic to be honest, because his reason was kind of unreasonable.

Well at least she's slowly healing and that's important.

"Alright alright, my bad" I said as I patted her back.

"So how are you going to approach Levi?' I asked. Levi is the guy that she is currently having a crush on.

"Well...uh.." she placed her hands on her cheeks, looking all confused.

"You don't know.." I said as I stared at her.

She shook her head in response.

It was a good timing. While we were talking about Levi, he passed by us with his friend beside him. He stole a quick glance at Rosa then smiled before looking away. 

I looked at him as he passed by but then my gaze transferred to his friend. He was tall, wears glasses, with his hair down and in complete uniform. Although he was wearing a mask so I couldn't really see his face but god..he was so attractive.

Rosa was also staring at Levi and they exchanged smiles. She noticed me staring at Levi's friend for quite a long time and she smirked.

"Earth to Kyrrha!" Rosa shouted at my left ear. Causing me to flinch. I looked at her with my eyes wide open. 

"what was that for?!" I said, almost shouting.

"You've been staring at that guy that was beside Levi..You like him don't you?" She said with a grin on her face.

It took me some time to process her questions. "What? no no no. No I do not" I said as if I was panicking but what is there to panic about when I was telling the truth?

"Alright. Sure. Yeah" She said in a sarcastic tone as she stared at me with curiosity.

Eris and Tia was also staring at me for some reason. As if they believe that I have feelings for that guy when I don't even know his name. But I kinda want to know...

"Anyways for tomorrow, what time will you guys be here for the program?" I asked, trying to change the topic.

"Probably at 7 am" Rosa said. Good thing they forgot about that guy.

"Depends in what time I will wake up." Tia said as she was scrolling through her phone.

"Well of course, I'm gonna be late so probably 8:30" Eris said as he let out a small chuckle.

"Alright then I'll be here before you guys arrive." I said

"Sounds good' they all responded as their head nodded.

We continued to talk and have fun till break time was over. We went inside our classroom and sat on our seats. 

While our teacher was teaching the class, my thoughts were off somewhere. I felt like absentminded. I couldn't help but think about that glasses guy

I placed my right hand on my chin as I stared at the blackboard that was in front of me. Thinking all about that guy. He makes me so curious.

I was thinking about him the whole period and forgot to pay attention in class. After the period, Tia turned to look at me and asked "Did you listen about our homework?"

"Uh....yeah" I said but it was obviously a lie.

"Liar. You were just staring at the blackboard the whole period and did not listen at all" She said as she turned straight and just looked at her phone.

"Alright, you caught me" I said as I chuckled nervously.

"This is the first time that you spaced out during class" She said as she gave me a side eye.

"Yeah I know" I said as I crossed my arm and placed them on the table as I rested my head on my arms.

"Don't tell it's about that guy.." she said as she looked at me with a face that shows disgust.

I just stared at her, rethinking the whole thing. "I don't know".

That was the only answer I gave her. I was confused of myself. Why am I acting this way? Why am I like this? Don't tell me I caught feelings for that guy at first glance? Is this love at first sight? No.

I shook my head hoping I will forget all of these things.

The class finally ended, I came back to my senses and was focused during classes, just like I hoped. 

Ms. Evangeline dismissed us earlier than before. We packed our things and cleaned our surroundings. I placed my bag on my back and went outside the room, waiting for the others. 

While waiting for them, the other students from the other class that was beside our room was also dismissed. I stared at them, with my gaze transferring to every people that passed by as if I was looking for him.

Then my eyes landed on him. He's attractive...and handsome.

He passed by and I couldn't  help but stare at him. He stole a quick glance at me which caught me off guard. His gaze made my heart flutter and made it beat faster as If I was having a heart  attack. 

I stared at him till he got downstairs and continued to walk towards the gate and went out the campus without looking back. I kinda hoped that he would turn his back and look at me one last time... 

Tia tapped my shoulder which made me flinch. And she was surprised by my reaction.

"You good?" she asked as her brow raised.

"Yeah" I said with an awkward smile on my face.

"Let's go" she said as she wrapped her arm around mine.

"What about Rosa and Eris?" I asked as I looked over the room.

"They have practice" She simply said then dragged me down as we walked down the stairs towards the gate. As usual, she was quiet the whole time. Tia and me have the same direction towards our houses so we would go home together after classes.

I am glad to have friends like them. And I'm curious about him now..

Dream Love  [Love Series #1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora