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The reminents of the afternoon shower was falling of the roof of the cafe as a tall and slender fingure approached him from behind, tapping on his shoulder to grab his attention."Oh hello sir. Take a seat" Naveen turned around saying this and tapping his fingers on a chair next to him. "Let me call for the camerman " he said taking out his phone only to see the cameraman approaching their table."You are here too? fine then let's start" said Naveen. As the cameraman was setting his camera, the man sitting next to him was setting his hair and dress.When he saw Naveen looking at him he stopped what he was doing and said "eventhou I am in my 30's,girls still go crazy for my looks. So I gotta be on my A game always " he said with a smirk making Naveen laugh. The man joined the laugh saying"Just joking, hope u don't mind"."No no you really do have the looks" saying this Naveen went on with the video. "Hello guys, today I'm here with a handsome psychologist Master.Rizwan . Could you please introduce yourself ?" he said with the camera focusing at Rizwan sitting next to him calmly with his legs crossed in elegance." Thank you for the introduction Naveen. Hi, I am the handsome pscychologist Naveen was talking about. My name is Rizwan. It's great to meet you." Rizwan said with a charming smile in the end. "So sir could you tell a lil abt your journey?" he asked politely."Naveen u can drop the formalities and just call me Rizwan" . Naveen could see how people could get comfortable with him soon and share anything without any worries. He had his own way of ice breaking. " Well, my journey isn't that inspiring and all. I've always been a great listener .Since my teenage days I've had people around me ranting stuff to me saying I make them feel good. Being of some kind of help used to make me feel happy but I never thought of that more than a way for getting along with girls" Rizwan chuckled at his old careless self. "I was that kind of kid who had no dreams or goals other than to enjoy life to it's fullest. I was always told that I had the potential to do more than what I was then but the spoiled rich brat which was me (laughs) didn't bother. One day my mom came over to me asking me to pack my stuff saying she and dad weren't in good terms and that they were splitting up. They have had fights b4 too but I never knew that it was this intense. She wanted to keep my custody as she refused to let me get influenced by my dad. even thou I was confused, I left with her without questioning her further. Later,I figured out that my dad was betraying both me
and my mom. 18 yr old me didn't know how to make mom feel better. She was mentally drained and going through a bad time in life. Slowly, she got into drugs and even tried killing herself. She had to be hospitalized from where she was taken to a de addiction centre. I use to visit her very often that I got along with people there. I had thought that I was going through a tough time then but after meeting people there I came to know that what I was going through was nothing. It didn't take much time for my mom to get back to her old self. It was then that I became friends with the psychologist working there . He is kind of the reason I am who I am today.  That's pretty much it " said Rizwan with a small laugh. "I'm proud of your and your mom'recovery. And I would like to say that no one's suffering is small. It must have been had for a teen" Naveen said." Looks like I've got competition for my job. You sounded like a therapist just now." Naveen laughed." Could you tell me about any cases u face in general? Like without specifying personal details ofc" Naveen asked." About cases in general? Ok.These days it's mostly the youth .They have interesting stories. I have had to deal with people with insecurities abt the way they look,depressed ones, people with OCD, PTD, some having a hard time figuring themselves out. They are not as cheerful as they seem.Teens have to go through a lot. In most cases it is themselves the main issue or else it is the society or the family. Self hatred is the worst thing, I mean YOU ARE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN THROUGH SO HOW CAN YOU NOT COMFORT YOURSELF THINKING OTHERS SHOULD UNDERSTAND YOU? They are otherwise scared to talk thinking about the society judging them or how their parents won't understand their issue and make a fuss about them having some incurable mental illness to be ashamed of." Naveen interrupted Rizwan asking "What would you suggest to those who are suffering?" "Umm I would say to seek help. It's unhealthy to pend all ur emotions and giving urself pain is never the solution. First you gotta Accept your issue. Then approach your parent or any other who is trust worthy. If there is no one such person then kindly contact me. You can ask ur parent to take u to therapy sessions. It isn't something to be ashamed of. IT IS SOMETHING YOU NEEF. People nowadays are more aware than u think. They would understand. They should. Make sure u don't harass urself mentally. You don't deserve that.Nobody does!" he said. " These are kinda what I told my viewers in my last video!!" Naveen said with excitement . "Oh god I better level up my game. I should watch out or else Naveen would be taking over my job" Rizwan said acting shocked and causing everyone in the room to laugh ."I had a great time talking to you si- I mean Rizwan. I hope you keep making people's life better by making them forget their worries and laugh at ur jokes. So any last words?" Naveen said." What do I say now? Ah,make sure to stay health mentally and physically.You too Naveen hope u entertaining everyone with ur videos. Thank you for the coffee and for having me here" saying that Rizwan took a sip from the coffee in front of him." It was my pleasure having you. Thank you for sticking around until the end.Stay postive and happy. This is Naveen with Rizwan signing off"

I hope I meet some cool psychologist like Rizwan irl. I mean not the looks and sense of humour ah even that😅. Okay I hope you enjoyed reading just like I felt while writing this.

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