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"Welcome to another video. I'm Naveen here with storytime tada. (crickets chipping). Okay it isn't that interesting after all i guess .I'm pretty sure most of u have heard of the tale but this is my version of it through which I'm just here to remind y'all about something. The story takes place in a huge and prosperous kingdom. (dramatic music)Ok ok I'll stop (laughs). So the king woke up in the morning expecting nothing out of the usual. But the first news he heard in the morning was one that shattered all his expectataions. A neighbouring kingdom had waged war on his and their army was marching towards the gates of his palace. The king and his soliders got equipped to face their enemies. There was bloodshed and violence everywhere. The King looked around him and a sudden sense of losing and the fear of it engulfed him. He quieltly fleed from the warfront and entered a dark cave for shelter. As he was trying to catch his breath, he noticed a spider next to him trying to make a web.The king watched the spider keenly but it failed to make one. The king felt bad, he  could feel the pain but to his surprise the spider went around trying again and again only to fail .The spider kept on trying until it finally succeeding. That sight was an eyeopener for the cowardly king. He realised that he had ran away from the war field without even giving it his all. He had left his men in danger and violated his duties.He went out of the cave with his sword held in position ready to fight anything in his way. Okay now don't ask me what happened to the king.That's insignificant for now. All that matters is consistency and the mind to face obstacles without fear taking over u. So in the ur life's battlefield it's ur choice whether to run away without even trying or face victory or loss with a strong mind. I'm sure you guys are picking the second one. Yeah, that's it (chuckles)I am a great storyteller right (proud smile). (No) Okay I'll stop (fake crying with sed background score playing).Anyways, Thank you for sticking around until the end. Stay positive and happy. This is Naveen signing off."

I'm pretty sure the story is inaccurate but the meaning is clear rie? Okkie see y'all biee..

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