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Ivy Luna - a half Filipina, half Chinese who got abandoned by her parents at a young age, her father got a mistress and her parents divorced and her father left them at 9 her mother died, from then on she started living with her uncle, Severino Luna who has a wife, Michelle Luna and a daughter, Stacy Luna Ivy's cousin.Before turning 18 her father contacted her uncle, Benedict Monroe demanding to have her daughter, saying he misses Ivy and he wants to bond with her but that's not really the truth because Benedict has other plans.

Cameron Chua - a half Filipino, half Chinese and Thai is the son of the wealthiest people in Asia, he has a pretty and older sister Anna Chua, his parents Celine Adhylaine Wong and Richard Wong has always been workaholic that's why the siblings is so close, it was a really fine evening when suddenly his parents called the siblings for a family dinner including Anna's husband Aldrich Vegas, later on while eating dinner Richard Wong his father, dropped a bomb on Cameron, they told him that they are arranging him in a marriage just like his older sister, which Cameron angrily declined because he said that he's still young and wants to enjoy his time but his parents didn't agreed so he has no choice but to marry the person whom he's parents arranged the marriage with him.

Severino Luna,
Michelle Luna,
Stacy Luna - they became Ivy's family after Jacintha Luna died, Ivy's mother, nonetheless the couple and Stacy treated ivy as their own and even though they have not enough money to live in a luxury they are still happy of what they have.

Benedict Monroe - Ivy's biological father who abandoned her with her mother after finding out that she's pregnant with his mistress.

Elizabeth Monroe - Benedict's current wife and Ivy's stepmother, unlike any other stepmother out there Liza is different even though ivy is not her daughter she still respects and cares for her.

Irene Monroe - Ivy's step and younger sister unlike her mother she doesn't like ivy for some reason.

Anna Chua-Vegas - Cameron's older sister.
Aldrich Vegas - Anna's husband, even though they're marriage is an arranged they fell in love anyways.

Adhylaine Wong and Richard Wong - the workaholic parents of Anna and Cameron.

More characters will be introduced in the story so stay tune!

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