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You woke up, your alarm being a song from your spotify playlist. It was Dress.

Even though Taylor practically left you, you were still a die-hard swiftie and would never stop. The text on your alarm said "SHADOWING INTERNSHIP BITCH GET READY"

"Why does this kind of degrading shit motivate me?" You asked yourself, groaning as you got up and stretched.

You took a quick shower and put on some clothes; a beige, thin sweater with light blue baggy jeans.

To be honest, you couldn't care less if this outfit got dirty. You quickly grabbed your jacked and an apple and unlocked your door, walking out and towards the veterinary clinic you would be doing your shadowing internship.

You'd be helping along the whole day and the vet would explain what he was doing, and you would be able to try some stuff too.

You walked into the clinic and went towards the service desk "Hello," you greeted politely "I'm [Y/N] [L/N] and I was told I'd be following a shadowing internship here with Dr. Pol?" You asked as calmly as possible.

The lady at the service desk looked at you and looked back at her computer, typing something in and looking back up at you. "You can wait here, he'll be right with you," she said and you went to sit down in a chair.

"[L/N]?" A voice called after a few minutes and you looked up, before realizing and your eyes widening "D- I- Dr. Pol, hello," you said nervously. "Hello, don't be nervous, it's not like I'm Taylor Swift," he chuckled, "so you're gonna do a shadowing internship with me?" he smiled when you nodded "I have to say, there are some challenging patients today, and we're probably gonna get some emergencies, but I think you can handle those without a problem!" He winked at you, not in a perverted way, but playfully and you chuckled "Thank you" you said and you stood up "Who is the first patient?" You asked "A labrador, he got attacked by a cat they say."

You looked at the fat dog, who looked like he got spoiled a lot. "That looks possible," you said dryly, "the poor thing can barely stand."

"That is- yeah..." Dr. Pol agreed with you and he chuckled. "Come on in!" He called.

The dog whined when he had to stand up and you grimaced. You didn't like when people just kept dogs for the sake of having a dog. They always become fat and can barely walk and run.

Basically, the dog couldn't be a dog.

"Hello, this is [Y/N], she has a shadowing internship with me and will be helping you today." Dr. Pol said to the woman.

"A girl!? She is barely 24!" The woman said. You flipped her off in your thoughts. "Yes, but she is in the last year of her study ma'am, so she has enough knowledge to assist you and your dog." Dr. Pol defended you and you smiled proudly, quickly putting back a straight face.

The woman rolled her eyes and walked with the two of you to the treatment room. The poor dog waddled after its owner and you looked at the animal with a look of sympathy.

"What's his name, ma'am?" You asked the lady who looked at you with a disgusted glare. You held yourself back from shooting her a death glare. Be a good girl, [Y/N]. You reminded yourself. "Rexie, and he got attacked by a cat, look! He's bleeding!" You looked at the dog, who didn't look in any pain.

The way the lady explained the wound, it sounded like the dog was about to die, but the dog looked like he was Mr. Perfectly Fine.

"Uhm... Would you mind saying where the wound is..?" You asked politely.

The woman looked like she was about to cry as she said: "His belly! Oh god is my poor Rexie gonna die!?" You turned to the dog and rolled your eyes

"He's not gonna die, ma'am, the wound isn't serious, so he should be fine." Dr. Pol said.

You sighed and leaned your head on the dog's stomach as you heard the woman rant to Dr. Pol how severe the wound was and how it should be treated immediately.

You were in for a long, long day...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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