Part 2 "An ally?"

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One day as Red Samurais was living his normal live a random stranger comes up and wants to be an ally....

Red Samurai: Who are you
and why do you want to team up with me?

Ally: My name is Hiro and I have a proposition for you. I need your skills and I'm willing to pay you handsomely for your help.

Red Samurai: What kind of help do you need?

Hiro: I need someone to help me take down a powerful enemy. I believe with your sword skills and my knowledge, we can defeat him.

Red Samurai: I'm intrigued. What's in it for me?

Hiro: I'll pay you 109k for your assistance. What do you say?

Red Samurai: I'll think about it. Meet me here tomorrow.

The next day, Red Samurai meets Hiro at the same spot.

Red Samurai: I've decided to accept your offer. Let's do this.

Hiro: Excellent. Let's go.

As they journeyed together, Red Samurai grew to trust Hiro and they became a formidable team. But one night, everything changed.

Hiro: This was all a scheme. I never intended to pay you. I just needed your skills to take down my enemy.

Red Samurai: What? How could you betray me like this?

Hiro: It's nothing personal. It's just business.

Hiro then stabs Red Samurai from behind, but Red Samurai quickly turns around and fights back with all his might. The battle is intense, but just as Red Samurai is about to defeat Hiro, he manages to escape.

Red Samurai: You may have escaped this time, but I will find you and make you pay for your betrayal.

And so, Red Samurai sets out on a new quest for revenge, determined to bring Hiro to justice and restore his honor.

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