
20 1 11

CW!!: This chapter contains the act of pushing a cousin down the stairs. Read with caution(/nsrs) , oh and Stan calls Craig some rude things too ig , and Stan gets drunk , And Stan says some other weird things , oh yeah and theres smut kinda soooo :3


It's been exactly two days since I met Kyle. I'm sitting with him, Craig, and some other kids at lunch right now. But I'm literally SQUISHED next to Kyle. Im not okay.

I tugged Craig's shirt asked him to come with me. He nodded and I just dragged him to a hallway. We stood infront of some stairs that some kids were caught doing cocaine and making out.

And these weren't like the stairs that if you got pushed down them you'd be fine. These are the stairs that if you got pushed you could possibly die.

"Craig, I need help." I said with a slight groan. "I'm not gonna help you get rid of sexual desires." Craig replied with his usual monotone voice.

I rolled my eyes again and just continued talking.  "I think I have a crush on Kyle. And I don't actually know if I should just tell him or not...." I mumbled while looking at the ground and putting my hands in my pockets. Craig just laughs.

"And you're asking me for advice, why?" He asked after he finished embarrassing me just by laughing.

"Well because you're a fucking slut with daddy issues. I feel you'd have some experience." I said out of anger.. I was just mad that day and I don't even know why.

"...What the fuck, Stan." Craig replied. The smirk on his face gone.

"Well it's the truth. You're a slut. Everyone knows it. You've dated like your whole friengroup plus more." I replied with my arms crossed.

"Dude? What the fuck is up your ass this morning?" He raised his voice slightly. I just shrugged.

"Why the fuck you have to be such a fucking dick?! You're just like Randy you as-"

I didn't know what possessed me at the time. But I pushed him. I pushed my cousin down the stairs.


I just stared at Craig at the bottom of the stairs with my hands over my mouth.

I ran to find a teacher quickly. But instead of finding a teacher I found the principal and by that time I was bawling my eyes out.

"Hey-- Calm down- What's wrong?-" He asked while trying his best to keep me from just collapsing onto the ground and just sobbing there.

"Pl-Please- M-My-- My cousin-- He fell-" I manage to get out before starting to sob again.

He looked confused and I just showed him where Craig had 'fallen.'

He immediately ran down to him and called the paramedics. I just stood there crying. I felt so bad. My head started to hurt that's how bad I was just crying.

I went home for the rest of the day and just lied down in Craig's room.

🩻Hours later...

I woke up on Craig's bed, hugging one of his plushies tightly. There was a tap on the window and I looked over at it. Kenny was there.

I sat up and let him in. He looked worried.

"Hey, Stan- I saw the ambulance n shit outside the school earlier and realized that you and Craig weren't there. So I came here during free period." Kenny told me. He noticed I was crying and registered it.

".. Is Craig okay? What happened?" Kenny asked me. I nodded and looked at a photo Craig had of him and Tweek together with a small message on it reading, 'To Craig, my sweetheart forever and always. - Tweek ♡'

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