how he invited you to your 1st date

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Stefan Kraft: he was at home when you have driven your mom to his mom and he said "i forgot how beautiful you are, we should hang out sometimes"

Andreas wellinger: he bought you a drink and left you his number to call him.

Karl gaiger: when you and your brother were arguing he told you that you and him should go away from your brother for some time

Peter Prevc: he wrote "yn we should go on a date" on his glove and than he said the same thing on the news

Domen Prevc: he didn't ask you but you were on his competition

Ryoyu kobayashi: when you and Junshiro broke up he asked if you would go on a date with him

Johan Andre Forfang: he wrote his number on your autograph card and you called him

Junshiro kobayashi: he told you that you two are going just on coffe

Halvor egner Granerud: after his physiotherapy he asked you if you have time to go on a pizza, because he wants to pay you off

Giovani bresadola: he didn't ask you on a date

Marius lindvik: he told your brother to ask you if you have time for him

Lovro kos: he just ask you directly

Kristoffer eriksen sundal: he just do what he thinks it's good

Jan höerl: after he gives you a jacket of his you bring it back and he ask you to go on date

Pius pascke: your dad goes on beer with him and when your dad is drunk enough he ask you

Michael hayboeck: he calls you

Anže lanišek: "nastja is leaving for weekend... so can you help me watch over my son"

Manuel fettner: after the glove accident he offers you a drink

Gregor deschwanden: he just don't do it

Johan Andre Forfang: but instead of the autograph you get his adress and note visit me when you will have time

Daniel Tschofenig: he invited you to his house

Stephan leyhe: you already stayed at his house

Philip raimund: he leaves you a note

Timi zajc: he was 20 years old and you went on his birthday party and you stayed at his house because you were too drunk

Ren nikaido: he told you that you two should hang out sometimes

Aleksander znizcol: he fell in love and called you to check on some things together

Clemens aigner:  you two didn't go on date

David Kubacki: you are his hook up you two didn't go on the date

Alex insam: you two have already been on date

Kamil Stoch: your date was at some bar that he likes to go

Daniel huber: you two don't have time for dates

Daniel Andre tande: after he got out of the hospital he invites you to the cafe

Antti aalto: he dosen't like you at all

Killian peier: you are his replacemant for the coach and your date was his training

Junshiro kobayashi: your dad is going to fancy restaurant

Martin hamman: you two spend a lot of time together

Niko kytosaho: he had more time than to sign your paper (i will stop here)

Simon amman: your date is his appology

Žak mogel: he invites you to watch his competition

Constantin schmid: he invite you to tell you how he knows you

Robert johanson: he told you that he can make you a baby if you wnt

Žiga jelar: he invites you to another one of his concerts

Piotr zyla: you work for media and he gives you a paper to post and in the paper it was written "piotr zyla is in love with yn yln"

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