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In shadows cast by a moonlit sky,
I walk alone, a silent cry.
Masked in layers, unseen by light,
Lost in the whispers of the night.

Like a ghost, I drift through crowds,
A puzzle unsolved, among the shrouds.
Beneath the facade, a turmoil brews,
Yet, to the world, I'm but a muse.

In the depths of my solitude, I dwell,
Aching to break free from this shell.
But who will dare to truly see
The heart that beats, the soul set free?

So I linger on, in silent despair,
Longing for someone who'll dare to care.
But in this realm of shadows and mist,
I remain unseen, a soul dismissed.

Thus, I'll keep wandering, evermore,
An enigma lost on life's shore.
For nobody truly understands
The depths of my silent demands.

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