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Crime and Judgment



The sound of a camera was drowned out by the roar of people's cheering. A young girl was crouched on the ground in front of her peers. The sound of sneakers squeaking on the ground was a familiar sound to her.

She sighed as she looked through the photos. She felt kind of creepy taking pictures but it was for the year book. She frowned and looked around before bringing the camera up again. She took another picture and looked around through the camera. She noticed someone on the opposing team sitting out. His head was resting on his hand and he looked upset.

She zoomed in with her camera and focused it on him. She narrowed her eyes and examined his face. He was a pretty boy. Silver hair, hazel eyes, and a beauty mark under his eye. [Name] found herself staring at him mindlessly. For once she felt a strange feeling in her chest looking at him. She couldn't describe what the feeling was exactly but it wasn't unpleasant. The closet thing she could compare it to would be happiness and awe.

Her cheeks tingled slightly as she felt her face heat up. Slowly her thumb moved up to pressed the shutter button and a small click was heard and a flash of light was seen...
The sound of people chatting was muffled from outside of the classroom. She leaned against the cold hallway wall. Flipping through the pages she reached the one of the boy she saw from the volleyball match. Her fingers gently ran over the page. She smiled and tilted her head as a chuckle escaped her lips.

She doesn't really know how he managed to actually make it into her schools yearbook but it was probably the best picture she took... maybe that's why?

She pushed herself off the wall. A small smile rested on her lips as she looked at her classmates. This was the last week she would see them before her first year of high school. Happily she walked out of school with her hands behind her back. People looked at her as she passed by them.

:p this takes placed when Suga was in middle school too she's not gonna be a first year when he's already graduated, don't worry.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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