The heartbeat of rain

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waves crashed on the shore,hissing and spitting as if in it's final act of rebellion against the ongoing storm.This wild animal thrashed around this way and that;accepting yet resenting every drop of rain that cloaked the air,swooping with the wind,as if a subtle breeze from a soft dummers day.The clouds continued to cry in their deepest depths of dispair,their cold tears slapping hard and fast on raw skin,harsh and sure winds stung the new open wounds and temperatures so low they seemed to add to the tourture of the fight.As if an opposite pathetic fallicey,the wheather not mirroring the emotions of myself,i seem to be reflecting the rage of the storm. Lightening cracked accross the doomed sky of gails and darkness causing enough light to illuminate a single silhoette of a boat on the very edge of the horrizon.In its feirce tantrum,the water tipped the defenseless sailboat up,down,side to side as easy as shaking a miniture version in a glass bottle. Unfortunatly this wasn't enough anymore to sustain its towering fustration and the great belly of the beast in the ocean sucked at its teeth,pulling back the foam and froth. With a roar the growing giant made of water rolled towards the little boat,mouth open wide in its final welcome and swallowed it whole.

The air itself seemed to morn the loss of the young sailboat as it let out a high pitched scream that dissolved into a whistle,swaying in and out of white school shirt, now see-through was now plastered to my skin and the rain started to feel less like anger and more like punnishment. whip after whip lashed at my back,each drop sending emense spasms of pain down my spine.
Darkness licked at my body ,however although the utter isolation from light starved me,my eyes seemed to have turned to a lighthouse watching as each wave ate at the sand and the rock.Swallowing and spitting it back out again. my lungs were fresh with salt,stabbing with pain and seemed to expand twice their normal size,sycronising with the swoshing of the water.In and out,in and out,the tears seemed to slow,in and out,facial and shoulder muscles seem to lessen and relax,in and out,and set free of their tentioned chains.
It's strange.How much the world can change its perspective so suddenly,quite like myself.Before i found myself on this salty hunk of rock,my mind filled with a hundred voices clouded my ears, crying and wailing,high and unmercyless .Eyes blinded by tears of the white hotness of anger,my body tense and unrestless,yet my mind is silent and warm despite the ongoing storm.

Birds sing in melodies,never out of tune or time;as the sky cracks with sunlight and breaks the black,they awaken. Darting swooping,gliding through that crisp,blueness of the morning sky,singing those melodies to each other all the while painting that plain canvas with colours and music.Sweet smells of pancakes hugged the air,filling the body with a buzz of excitment.Gentle breezes of wind stroked the pink hangings on the wooden bedframe,giving the effect of breathing.A living creature of dreams which gave not only warmth,comfort and sleep but nightmares.

A girl was the master of this creature,a girl named Elizabeth Gale,a brave sailer,stearing her bedframe boat over the seas of plumped cushions and fluffy blankets,navagating her way though the world of wonderland. Although the white rabbit's watch seemed to finally be on time as Lizzy awoke. A smile pinched her dimpled cheeks,blue eyes bright and wide. The duey freshness of presents and cake.It was June 28th.Lizzy's birthday.Little did she know that her life would change from there out and not for the better.

The trees have voices,passing whispers to one an other with russcles and creaks.I find running to be a thrill,freeing the mind,energizing to the soul.Yet this is no time to marvel over the freshness of the air that burns the lungs and lifts spirits,no getting distracted,not today.I can't miss the mail man on that small bike,riding steadily but surely down the narrow roads and alley ways of the small village called Redfire Bay.I do wish i didn't have to wear a corset,it's currently twisting my underlayer and compressing my ribs shortening my breathe.
"Hello!Sir!Stop please"my breath is so vexing,why does it have to go all weak now?Oh.He stopped,thank God.Well at least dear Liz will have a good birthday while i'm trapped in these prisonous clothes,straight rules and tortureous girls."Ello Miss,Ya almost missed me,good job i were late den eh?"immidiently anyone could tell that his breath was in no way short  ,musty and strong he seemed to breathe out the words as if mocking me but those kind eyes would never."i guess so" i say,my lungs still begging for air,we exchange our gooddays and goodbyes,turning away from each other,the man towards the bike and girl into the woods.A letter and package on its way towards a bright twelve year old girl instead of myself.Oh how i know she misses me,all those tear stained letters with splotchy ink,i spent so long writting and re-writting her birthday letter that i could not deliver myself.Oh how i know she misses me,all those tear stained letters with splotchy ink,i spent so long writing and re-writing her birthday letter that i could not deliver myself.The final result seemed the most satisfactory.
Dear my sweet Lizzy,
You deserve the world,If i could gather all the expenses of the earth i would, and i would buy and gift it to you. But as i cannot, here is a letter as i am afraid that i cannot be by your side. You should also be able to find a new fountain pen, Paper, Pressed flowers and money for a new book of your choice.My dearest sister,please write soon,i should be back before snow fall and i swear i will take you to the sea! Oh i know how much you shall love it! I love you.
From your sister,
Lowen Ada Gale xxx
I do wish i hadn't been sent here.To this stupid finishing school with these stupid solid clothes and these stupid rules. The girls are unbearable, a sloppy,giggling, flock of seagulls, just a bunch of rich girls with daddy's money who have never been told the word 'no'.Talking of which,the gateway to hell is looming closer with each step,back to the world of frills laces and petticoats where freedom is extinct and your voice unimportant. The cold stone walls smothered with dying ivy,sending shadowed command and clouded thoughts to all who are sent here.
Rotten wooden floorboards creak underfoot so not even the softest whisper of a tiptoe could escape its trap.
"Miss Gale" I stop in my tracks, halfway down the never ending hallway,best way to get out of trouble is to pretend you were supposed to be where you are,so i turn around and whip my hair over my right shoulder as i do so, a polite smile plastered on my lips."Good morning Mrs Anne!Can i be of need to you?"oh dear,her frown did not dissolve into a friendly smile but remained firmly craved into her features."that you can do Lowen,go and fetch my ruler for me,i trust by now you know where it is kept" i felt my cheeks relax,my emotion turn to dread."yes of course,is there a chance i may ask why you require it?"
Only now she cracks her teeth peering through her thin lips. "why of course you can be my dear child,when did i ever give you permission to leave the grounds for this school?"
And now my heart is beating through my ears,my face turning hot and fear could be heard in my lungs."you give other girls permission all the time! I only went for a minute,it was only a minute and i came straight back i promise!" I can hear the plea and desperation in my voice but i can't help it. Now the room is spinning faster and i'm getting blinded by the light glaring at my watery eyes. My words are breaking, disorientating into air,becoming meaningless to the women with the ruler.Meaningless to the white sting of strike after strike to my spine,the coldness of the sting was starting to mix with the warmth of the blood resolving in burning.The middle of my back red sodden and on fire,she left.
I need to get out of here,now,the walls are closing in and choking me,i want my Liz...
Suck it up,that isn't your choice to make,right now i need to stand,i think i can.And i do,swaying and gasping from pain but it's okay,i will be okay. Yet i say that and the saltiness of tears drip from my chin,strips of flesh are missing from my torso, and i'm trembling so much so it takes me a minute to seize the circular bronze door knob,twist and pull.
I manage to stumble back down the halls,my feet dragging under me until i reach the stairwell. My room is at the very top,it's white paint,although cell like, called my name louder then anything else at this moment and i'm nearly there,nearly safe.
Shoes slap stone,not mine.No more,please no more,she can't be back.Thank God,she isn't,how could she be anyway? But...oh.It's 'the girls'. Wren,Beatrice and phoebe , the schools'royal ' princesses'.
"Whoa girls,look who came back,she found you quickly then?" they told her? I don't know why i should be surprised. "When you left; me,Wren and Phoebe assumed you had left Redfire Bay for good" she changed her smirk to a sarcastic frown. "What a pity you didn't then" her eyes were as wide as her smile now,and then i was flying,no,falling down.
Bea's palms winded me as she pushed hard,at my stomach sending my body through the air,thudding against the Bannister.
Thud,thud thud down each step ,round and round the stairwell. I am a spinning top being hurled around again and again. My head collides against the floor and spinning stops,the pain stops along with fear,as the sweet relief of blackness started to heal my broken body.
The strong aroma of disinfectant almost drowns me,yet i don't hate it.The smell reminds me of hospitals,the smell of healing,love but also loss. Thin cotton, That's the second thing i'm aware of,the fabric rough yet also comforting when rolling it between finger and thumb. I haven't opened my eyes yet but the soft touch of sunlight embraces my body,every part,from the wounds to the healing. The light brings warmth and hope back into a horizon that had never looked darker.
Voices are mumbling in a not-so-far off distance and i finally lift my lids to stifle curiosity.Pink meadow flowers sit on my bedside along with today's newspaper,two chairs are placed next to my bed.Except,this isn't my bed,it's unfamiliar and cold,a bed frame of metal and sheets of white,my own threadbare bedspread lay by my feet.The mumbling,as i soon found out,belonged to two middle aged adults who i haven't seen in months."mother?Father?"

"why are you here?And where is Elizebeth?" They didn't reply at first, just watched with concern molding their faces

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 07 ⏰

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