payback - goofy

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I sat at the Disney hotel not really bored...but just relaxing...while waiting for Goofy to get off his long shift at work in the park. Today was an exceptionally hot day in Florida so I knew Goofy would probably want to head straight to the bath when he gets back
I looked at the time on my laptop


I shut the laptop carefully placing it on the Bedside table. Goofy was supposed to finish at 12 so I knew I should probably order something to eat for when he gets back. I picked up the telephone and called room service and ordered some half and half pizza. Cheese for me and pepperoni for Goofy. I then sat back on the bed waiting patiently

Just then the door beeped meaning someone was coming in

"Pizza already? That was fast"

I turned to face the door only for Goofy to stumble in

"Goofy? You're back early, did the park close?"

I walked over to him and he didn't say anything. He just looked at me and stumbled over to the bed pretty much collapsing on it half on half off sorta thing

I titled my head and walked over to him


I began poking his back gently. He turned his head to look at me smiling weakly

"You look like you got ran over, stomped on and toasted over a fire..."

looking at his... unnaturally slured state I bit my lip thinking of things that could've happened

Goofy inhaled deeply and managed to sit up looking at me half lidded

"I....had to leave early...I ain't feelin too good..." He mumbled

I immediately rushed and sat myself next to him almost knocking the wind out of him

"Oh my gosh have you ate? Drank water?"

I began flooding him with questions as he dazily looked at me, just then the door opened and in came the room service with the pizza

I got up and thanked the kind lady and gave her a tip of $20 which she gladly accepted then leaving after waving to Goofy

I put the pizza on the bed and opened it while walking away to get us a drink

Goofy opened the box ad looked at the pizza smiling

"She got our favorite"

I walked over to Goofy and handed him a glass of water sitting down in the process

Goofy smiled and gulped the whole thing before I even picked up a slice of pizza

"You're thirsty-"

I said offering him my cup which he took and chugged aswell. He then went to grab a slice of pepperoni pizza eating it while I ate a slice of my cheese pizza

We ate quietly for a while until Goofy finish all his side and most of mine which I didn't mind knowing he probably didn't get to eat

As I began tidying away the box and cups I could feel Goofy watching me closely. As I put the last cup in the sink I finally turned around and looked at him and he indeed was staring

I put a hand on my hip and he finally looked at me in the eyes smiling sheepishly

"I...sorry I've been zonin out all day...and I've been rea-"

Goofy then slapped a hand over his mouth and motioned for you to bring the trash can

You quickly did and he threw up basically everything he just ate

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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