Meeting The Heroes

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December 14th 2007:

The gentle din of foot-steps echoed throughout an isolated alley-way within the sequestered depths of New-York-City. Two luminous and intense eyes of azure origin peered up at the endless night-sky.

Naruto Uzumaki had a nonchalant expression painted across his face when he noticed a legion of monsters behind him. One of them hissed at him—the hiss was a high-pitched and sibilant sound.

The Uzumaki tilted his head at the sight of the Empousa: whose crimson-coloured eyes glinted a sadistic shimmer. Amusement flickered inside of his bright irises. "And who may you be?"

Naruto watched as the Empousa—who he had named Sydney—bared her serrated fangs in his direction. She growled and another hiss rumbled out from her lips. "My identity is not your business!"

He raised his hands up in surrender and remained silent. A Hell-Hound yipped before charging forward. Naruto raised an unimpressed eye-brow and laughed. "Does the doggy want to play?"

"Such insolence." Sydney shook her head—a malicious smile growing onto her grotesque features. "You are a fool for taunting us, mortal!"

Naruto let out an uninterested hum. The Hell-Hound blurred in front of him and aimed its sharp teeth at his neck. Within two seconds—the Uzumaki had already crumbled the beast into golden particles.

He stepped one foot forward and crossed the distance between him and Sydney—who stumbled backwards in unadulterated shock at how fast he was. Naruto flicked his foot into her abdomen.

"How dare you!" Sydney screeched—the sadistic intent inside of her vermillion gaze increased. "You shall suffer a fate worse than death!"

Naruto ignored the hideous Empousa and directed an unconcerned grin at the Cyclops behind him. It grunted out a ferocious roar. The Uzumaki smacked his elbow into the foul creature's solar-plexus.

He took off his sun-glasses and unveiled his sapphire-hued eyes to the army of monsters in the alley-way. Sydney was baffled at the luminosity of his gaze. Naruto grinned—pointing his finger forward.

"The moonlight." Naruto's bright grin transformed itself into a mischievous one. "It truly does highlight how weak all of you are."

Those words of absolute mockery drove Sydney into pure insanity. The Empousa bared her fangs at him for a second time. Saliva frothed from her mouth. "Kill him! I don't care how! Kill this boy!"

Insouciance was evident on his coarse features. Unperturbed by the pure ferocity within her voice—Naruto produced a Kunai from his sleeve and his body became nothing more than a meagre distortion.

An orange and crimson outline blurred through the alley-way. Fifteen of the Hell-Hounds barked as they disintegrated into golden particles. Naruto reappeared in front of Sydney—who was hissing.

The high-pitched noise filled the cold air of the alley-way. Naruto summoned two Shadow-Clones and gesticulated his chin at the last fifteen monsters. They nodded—stepping forward and vanishing.

Naruto crouched down until his sapphire-coloured irises met her vermillion-accentuated gaze. He gave her a casual grin—but a curious and aggressive glint boiled inside of the azure of his eyes.

The Uzumaki tapped his finger onto the temple of the Empousa and knocked her unconscious. Naruto glanced at his two Shadow-Clones—the two of them had destroyed the army of foul entities.

He dispelled his Shadow-Clones and crossed his arms. Who had ordered this Empousa and her army of monsters to attack him? Naruto clicked his fingers in realization. "It must have been Atlas!"

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