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 As mentioned in the description, this is sort of like an interactive book; imma write a one-shot based on a song I feel like most people have heard (bc the point is for you to be able to guess it, and I can already smell the "but I haven't heard this before, how am I supposed to know???" comments coming after me for using smth slightly underground) and see who can guess it before the story ends.

There are rules to this though, as I want it to be fair for everyone.

1) if you play, you may comment once you guess it, but please do it like this:

"(SPOILER)/(MY GUESS)" or something equivalent so long as it's CLEARLY LABELLED

"Name of song guessed"

And yes the 'return' button spamming is necessary, bc I want everyone to have a fair chance and not accidentally read a guess by clicking into the comments. (If you didn't know already, a comment that tall will have a 'read more' option where your guess will be hidden until the reader of said comment physically clicks 'read more'. Thx bb <3 I appreciate your effort 😂)

2) don't be a jerk. Don't hate on peoples guesses, or fail to meet the comment format and ruin it for people. Okay? Just be cool.

3) no cheating, unless you want to, but that only ruins it for you unless you break rules one or two.

That's all!! Just three easy rules (or two and one suggestion, really)!! Have fun, love you <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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One-shots based on songs (swanqueen only)Where stories live. Discover now