Let Us Begin

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You had recently made your way to the Sanctuary along with a friend of yours Noah. You and Noah were the only two survivors from your last group that was inevitably overrun. The two of you were very close friends practically family at this point so you clung together when first brought into the Sanctuary. A group of Negan's men picked the two of you up as you were walking down the nearest highway trying to figure out where your next meal was going to come from. When brought into Negan's group you don't typically see him when being interviewed. It's always some hot shot egotistic right hand man of his that makes you feel like shit in the end. 

Once through the big interview process you find yourself being assigned a job. That's when you saw him for the first time and damn was he worth staring at. It was a rare occurrence to see Negan interacting with the newbies of the group especially a young girl and her friend who didn't pose much of a threat. "Well well well who do we have here?" The extremely tall gorgeous man said followed by a pearly white smile. He was dressed in leather while holding a barbed wire wrapped bat over his shoulder and it was intimidating. 

His voice was loud and deep which caused both you and Noah to jump. That of course fueled Negan's ego causing him to let out a laugh. "Just a couple of newbies we picked up walking down the highway...it was like they were asking to be killed." Said the egotistic right hand man. "Well you get them all nice and settled in and make sure they understand my rules to a T." The dark haired handsome man said before exiting the room. That was the last you saw of him for what felt like forever. 

You and Noah were allowed to share a small apartment together which the two of you were so thankful for. After finding out all about Negan's rules and how scary he can be when those rules were broken the two of you were very intimidated. Noah was assigned to ride along for "supply runs" which was really just stealing from other communities unbeknownst to the two of you  and you were assigned to the kitchen. You didn't mind that job at all considering before the world went to shit you thoroughly enjoyed cooking. Although it did seem a little sexist. 

It's been two weeks since you and Noah arrived at the Sanctuary and were welcomed in. There's word going around about something called the iron and you and Noah have been invited to watch. Throwing on a pair of black leggings and a tight fitting tank top you made your way down to the main area to watch the event. As soon as you arrive downstairs there is a woman in a tight black dress bawling her eyes out while another holds onto her. Before you could even begin to imagine what was going on you saw Negan grab a hot iron out of the fireplace and put it against a mans face. "Holy shit y/n what have we gotten ourselves into?" Noah whispers into your ear. 

From that moment on you were no longer intimidated by Negan you were terrified of him. The days went on and you made sure you were doing your job in tip top shape while Noah didn't dare to even speak about his to you to ensure safety for the both of you. Eventually time went by and you started to feel more comfortable in the Sanctuary like it was finally becoming a home that you could survive in as long as you didn't dare break one of Negan's rules. 

One day while working the dinner shift in the kitchen Negan came to grab a plate which was a rare occurrence. You did your best to be polite and not let him know that you were fearful of him. That's when he said "Well hello darlin' I don't recall seeing someone looking like you do and not inviting them up to my room." "Gross" you thought to yourself even though there was a small part of you screaming on the inside. You smiled politely and said "You were in the room while my friend and I were being interviewed a few weeks back..you don't remember?" The right side of his lip perks up into a shit eating grin. "I think I'd remember seeing you around." 

You just smiled and couldn't bare to make eye contact with him any longer. His eyes were dark and had seemingly no emotion behind them. "How about I let you off a little early and you swing by my place...we can talk?" he asks. Truth be told you were fearful of saying no so you accepted. Making your way back to your apartment to tell Noah who was utterly shocked to hear that Negan had taken an interest in you. You jumped into the shower in your small apartment which you were so grateful for, it had been such a long time since you had been able to use a shower. Afterwards brushing your teeth and throwing on a pair of leggings with yet again a tight fitting top. Who are you kidding you are definitely trying to get Negans attention. 

You say a quick goodbye to Noah who is frightened for you rightfully so. "I promise you i'll make it back in one piece" you say as you walk out the door.  After what feels like an eternity because of your nerves you make it up to Negan's floor which has a few glamorous bedrooms. You assumed those were for his best men. You hesitate for a moment before knocking on the door. "Well holy dick guess who decided to show up" Negan says with a pearly white grin on his face.  


First chapter!! I'm truly so excited to write this. 

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