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   The crisp autumn air swirled fallen leaves around Amara's ankles as she hurried to meet Maya. The worn leather satchel on her shoulder felt heavier than usual, weighed down not by textbooks, but by a strange mix of anticipation and curiosity. Today's coffee break promised more than just a caffeine fix.

The bell above the door of "Coffee Corner" chimed cheerfully as Amara pushed open the door. A wave of warmth and the comforting aroma of roasted beans washed over her. Her eyes immediately found Maya nestled in a corner booth, a steaming latte cradled between her hands.

"Hey, sorry I'm late," Amara apologized, sliding into the seat opposite Maya.

Maya, with her signature messy bun and bright smile, waved dismissively. "No worries, traffic?"

Amara nodded, taking a long sip of the proffered latte. "Yeah, registration day chaos. Everyone's in a mad scramble."

"Tell me about it," Maya chuckled. "Classes today was a battlefield. I swear some people camp out overnight to secure their spots."

They chatted for a while, exchanging stories about the registration frenzy in their respective faculties. Amara, a Literature major, described the long lines for coveted performance classes. Maya, a budding accountant, painted a picture of fierce competition for the "Taxation for Beginners" slot.

As the conversation flowed, Amara felt a familiar tingle of excitement. Today wasn't just about coffee; it was about sharing more than just campus woes. There was something she needed to tell Maya.

Taking a deep breath, Amara said, "So, there's this guy..."

Maya's eyes widened with a mischievous glint. "Finally! Spill the tea, Amara. Is there a secret crush brewing?"

Amara laughed, a blush creeping up her cheeks. "Maybe. I met him during registration in the music building. Tall, dark hair, kind eyes..."

"Oh my god, is he a musician too?" Maya leaned forward, practically vibrating with excitement.

Amara shook her head. "Actually, I don't know yet. He was helping out with the registration process, but we didn't get that far. Elias, that's his name."

"Elias, huh? Sounds promising," Maya said, her grin widening.

"He is," Amara admitted, unable to deny the truth. "Really good-looking, like model-worthy good-looking."

"Whoa, hold up," Maya held a hand up, playfully serious. "Are you telling me you haven't even spoken to this model-worthy guy for longer than five minutes, and you're already smitten?"

Amara groaned, swatting Maya's arm playfully. "Alright, alright, maybe it's a bit early to call it smitten. But he was... nice. He even tried to convince me not to register for the extra music practical class."

"Huh," Maya raised an eyebrow. "Why would he do that?"

"He said it's notorious for being stressful, and I looked a little overwhelmed," Amara explained. "But honestly, I kind of like a challenge. Music is my passion."

Suddenly, a memory surfaced, tinged with a touch of embarrassment. "Oh, and... he caught me practicing the piano in the music hall late the other night."

Maya burst out laughing. "Okay, that's adorable! Are you telling me Mr. Tall and Handsome witnessed your musical genius in the wee hours?"

Amara blushed even deeper, hiding her face in her latte cup. "He didn't hear much, just a few notes," she mumbled.

"This is getting interesting, Amara," Maya said, a conspiratorial glint in her eyes. "You need to find out more about this Elias. Maybe even 'accidentally' bump into him again."

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