Belly - Han Pairing: Han x Reader

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"Wow," Han's eyes shimmer. It's been months, but you finally feel well enough to leave your house.

"What?.... Does this look okay?.... Nothing fits" You have suddenly become self-conscious, and your clothes have gotten tighter, which is to be expected when well expecting. You decided to wear a crop top with a maxi shirt out tonight. Han was so excited to take you to one of his favourite restaurants.

"Noooo....not at all, you", you giggled at his compliment because honestly, you have been feeling blah over the last couple of months. If it wasn't the morning sickness, then it was the constant crying over nothing; tonight, however, you have felt the most normal you have been besides almost having a breakdown when the dress you wanted to wear was nowhere near fitting you.

Pushing himself up from the couch, Han walks over to you, touching your belly. "My girls look beautiful," he smiles before leaning up and kissing your cheek. Bending down, he lays a kiss on your stomach; as he pulls away, you feel a tiny kick.

"Omg han....she kicked", the first kick you had ever felt. The sensation was wired, and this was the first time it had really sunk in that you are pregnant and there is a little human inside you.

"She.....she kicked....omg she kicked" he was so excited. Due to Hans's career, he has unfortunately missed most of your pregnancy, so for him to be able to share this first with you meant everything.

You couldn't help but laugh as you began to rub your belly. "You okay baby?" Han says rushing over.

"Yeah....." your eyes start to fill with tears, and Han embraces you in a big hug, his hand brushing down your freshly curled hair. "Baby, please don't cry", he says, pulling back to wipe away the tears running down your cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to.... it's just that it was so cute." You couldn't help but laugh as you cried; you sounded so ridiculous.

"Come about I take you out....we eat our nice meal....then we come home and lay on the couch while I massage your feet", he grins, this is the best idea Han has ever come up with.

"Deal", you smile as you wipe your tears away. 

ONE SHOTS SEASON THREEWhere stories live. Discover now