9.Jaatii da crush!

14 4 0

I came home in morning and had some fun with dad and bhai before they left for the office.
shopping is now done and I am so tired , I just got everything ready so that there is no problem in the morning and the shoot goes well. This day was so hectic i was busy in shopping and stuff ...I have to go early in the morning.

Alarm rang
And i woke up...I literally saw aayan in my dreams.
Ohhh...I am really losing my control.
I should stop thinking about him ...
I got up ready and everyone was still sleeping i went to bhai's room and gave him a hug while he was sleeping

Are you leaving?he muttered slightly opening his eyes
Yes I replied

Sab hogya, help chie he asked with a low voice ofcrs he came late last night from work ..

No, everything is ready I replied with a small smile.
He used to wake me up every morning when I was small ...she still does that but i know things will be changing soon ....
Aayan will be there only if you need any help just tell him and don't roam around here and there alone" he gave me instructions.

( I like this side of him )

I know everything don't worry about me, I am leaving and Raj is joining me.. I said and got up from the bed...


Love you and take care! I waved bye and closed the door..

I was on my way I asked Raj to keep talking so that I don't sleep with Driving. I love driving but i hate when people don't talk to me while I am driving.He wanted to sleep .. but I asked him to sleep as soon as we reach because I don't need him with the morning shoot .

We are finally here that way is your room, go sleep there
I called aayan knowing if he there current status

Good morning,

why are you calling this early?

You forgot we had a shoot today are you still sleeping

No I know we have a shoot today and mom dad are already up and getting ready..

Okay , I am already here at the venue please don't be late!

Hm .. i will be there on time don't worry .


I want to wake up already listening to her voice,i have completely fallen for her, everything she says , everything she does, her being annoyed and especially when she makes cute faces.

It is a perfect start to a day now that she will be around me for the whole day excites me.
We reached the location and I saw her sitting on a table having coffee she was wearing black shorts and a white top , her hairs opened and as soon as she saw us coming.
She came and gave my parents a hug.
"Good morning beautifuls..I am sorry to disturb your Sunday "

Uncle you can go to the room on the right and aunty to the left.

She smiled at me and said you need to be there with your father in case he needs help. And his clothes are ready and are in his room only
Aunty there is a girl in that room who will help you with everything.
And In case you need anything please call me and most importantly Your breakfast will be served in your rooms only and please eat before you get ready, no sacrifices for food"


Her voice came from behind..i turned and she said " thank you so much for coming,I want you too to get ready with some nice clothes , the first shoot is here only in this garden.. go have your breakfast and come back as soon as possible.. remember to call me in case anything happens"

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