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Ava's pov-

I felt a wave of sadness wash over me as memories of all the horrible past events and encounters with Aaron flooded my mind. He was my middle school bully, always giving me names and scaring away any potential friends. It was exhausting. I never had the courage to tell my mom about it, and there were times when she was away for days, weeks, or even a whole month due to work. I wished she could be there for me during those tough times. My head was spinning with thoughts and emotions, making it impossible to sleep. I tried to distract myself by reading a book, but eventually sleep took over. The next day, I woke up with the same dull energy. I didn't want to face Aaron. I just wanted to avoid trouble, but I knew he wouldn't let me. After my usual routine, I headed to the campus. I was relieved to have Chemistry as my first class since I loved it. But when I closed my locker, my worst nightmare stood before me with a smirk on his face. Aaron. Fear paralyzed me as students gathered around us in the corridor. He snatched my bag and emptied it, leaving my beautiful books scattered on the floor. I felt a deep sense of sadness because it was an insult to my beloved books. As I bent down to pick them up, he gave me a push, causing me to fall on the cold corridor floor. Laughter filled the air as everyone watched. My eyes welled up. I felt something wet in my hair, and when I looked up, I saw him pouring water on me. My hair and clothes were completely soaked. It was awful because people around me were laughing and saying horrible things. Then Hailey came over, held Aaron's arm, and said, "Let's go, babe. She deserves this." She gave me a disgusted look and left with Aaron. No one came to help me, and my legs were shaking, but I managed to get up. Instead of going to class, I went to the washroom, locked myself in, and cried my heart out. It was a really tough moment.

Aaron's pov -

Man, I can't let this bitch get to me like that. I used to have this burning desire for revenge, you know? Back in middle school, her thoughts would consume my mind, and I couldn't stand it. So, I resorted to bullying her, finding some twisted satisfaction in seeing her tears and helplessness. I feel happy and overwhelmed . She deserves this, She can't even dream of getting me. It's messing with my head. It's a complicated situation, and it's making me feel disgusted and conflicted.I wanna make her life a living hell. She doesn't deserve me, A nerd like her deserves to be bullied,  I don't regret anything, also she can't be like Hailey.

Third person pov -

Man, lunchtime was brutal for Ava. She headed to the cafeteria, hoping to shake off the morning incident. But then, one of Aaron's gang members blocked her path, acting all tough. He looked at her with a sneer and said, "Wow, you still had the nerve to show your face after the morning incident." The whole cafeteria erupted in laughter, hooting and chanting, "Go Alex go!" And then, to make matters worse, Alex suddenly reached out and slapped Ava across the face. The sound echoed through the cafeteria, and Ava's cheek stung with pain. It was like a punch to her heart. She couldn't hold back the tears anymore. She ran off to the washroom, clutching her father's picture tightly against her chest. In the privacy of the washroom, she cried her heart out, feeling the weight of the world on her shoulders. As she sobbed, she noticed a pair of sneakers at the door. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized they belonged to Aaron. But to her surprise, he left just as quickly as he appeared. It was a moment of mixed emotions for Ava, confusion and longing intertwining with her pain.

Aaron's pov -

Man, I gotta admit, seeing Ava get slapped was a shock. I never thought things would escalate like that. At first, I couldn't believe my eyes. The sound of the slap echoed through the cafeteria, and Ava's face turned red. I felt a mix of anger and guilt wash over me. Guilt because I knew I had a part to play in all of this. I wanted to step in and defend her, but I froze in that moment. It was like time stood still. I saw the hurt in Ava's eyes, and it tore me apart. I knew right then and there that something needed to change. I couldn't let her keep suffering like this.Yeah, after that slap, I couldn't just stand there and do nothing. I knew I had to make it right somehow. So, I followed Ava to the washroom. I stood at the doorstep, feeling a mix of nervousness and determination. I wanted to apologize, to show her that I wasn't okay with what happened. But as I looked at her from a distance, tears streaming down her face, I realized that it wasn't enough. I needed to do more, to prove that I was truly sorry. It was a moment of reflection and understanding for me, and I knew I had to find a way to make things right between us.Yeah, it was a confusing moment for me. I mean, I had this intense dislike for Ava, and I couldn't stand being around her. But seeing her in that vulnerable state, with tears in her eyes, something shifted inside me. I couldn't explain it. It was like a tug-of-war between my hatred and this strange feeling of caring. I asked myself, "Why do I even care?" It was a realization that maybe there was more to our complicated relationship than I initially thought. Maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for something different between us.Yeah, I mentally slapped myself for even questioning why I cared. It was clear that I wanted to make things right between us. I couldn't ignore the connection we had, no matter how complicated it was. I knew deep down that I needed to put aside my pride and do whatever it took to make amends with Ava. It was time to take a leap of faith and see where this unexpected journey would lead us.Yeah, I get where you're coming from. It's tough when you have such strong negative feelings towards someone. But sometimes, even when we hate someone, there's a part of us that wants to find a resolution. It's like a battle between our emotions and our desire for peace. So, despite my hatred for Ava, there was a part of me that wanted to make things right, even if we didn't have a relationship. It was a confusing mix of emotions, but I couldn't ignore that nagging feeling inside me.






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