|| Moonlit Duel ||

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Amidst the ancient trees, a girl stands poised for battle. The moon hangs low, its silver glow illuminating the clearing. The forest floor is carpeted with moss, softening her footsteps as she moves.

The white cloak drapes around her like a ghostly shroud, blending seamlessly with the mist. Her blonde and black hair dances in the breeze, strands catching the moonlight. Her blue eye reflects determination, while the green eye holds secrets untold.

The dark clothing, patched together with strips of material, clings to her lithe frame. Each strip tells a story—a battle won, a life saved. The black mask conceals her identity, leaving only her eyes visible.

In her right hand, she wields a gleaming blade—a weapon honed through countless trials. Its edge catches the moon’s light, promising swift justice. Her stance is fluid, ready to strike or defend.

Beyond her, the forest stretches into darkness. Twisted roots snake across the ground, and distant howls echo through the night. The air smells of damp earth and pine needles.

The girl’s adversary awaits—an equally skilled foe hidden among the trees. Their duel will decide fates, and the moon bears witness to their clash.

She stands there, half concealed in the shade of the trees, blade tapping the side of her boot, sending a ringing noise around the clearing. A crack of a twig behind her makes her spin around, her sword clashing with her foes.

"Sneak attacks don't work if you make a noise."
A grunted reply as her feet leave the ground, a punch in the chest leaving her off balance and winded. Hitting the ground, she dodged aside as her foes blade came slashing down. She jumped up and span around just in time to deflect anoughter blow.
"Now now child, just give me what I'm after and you can go, no more running."
"Well, unfortunately, it won't be leaving my side until I defeat you!"
She ducked round and behind them, pushing them to the ground and knocking their blade away.
"Still wanna chit-chat with my blade to your throat, do you?" Her blade pressed against their throat, a droplet of blood appeared.
"Never thought you would harm me. You know, if you just gave it to me, you could join me. Your fighting style is just what we need."
She loosed her grip ever so slightly surprised at the response. In that instant, a blade appeared out of nowhere slashing across her face.
"Didn't think I'd let him come alone after his last failed attempt, did you?"

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