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"Wooyoung apakah kamu suka dengan San?" Tanya Felix
"Iya, dan dia baru saja menembak ku" jawab Wooyoung
"Kapan nyusul, katanya kau suka sama Hyunjin" suara Yunhi dari arah dapur

Yaps sekarang mereka sedang berkumpul di backstage konser ateez.

"Akh tapi aku pikir Hyunjin tidak akan pernah suka pada diriku" jawab Felix
"Mungkin karena kamu belum menyatakan perasaan mu, makanya kamu gak tau" Wooyoung
"Iya tuh bener kata Wooyoung, coba dulu" Mingi ikut berkomentar

Lagi asik asiknya ngobrol, hp milik Felix berbunyi

"Emm bentar ya mau balas chat dulu" izin Felix


Woy nonton konser lu?

Iya Gw Nonton Konser
Ngapain spam?

Ngajak ngajak ;)

Siapa suruh ngorok dari sore

Eh ya sih, tapi bangunin kan bisa

Aku sama bunda udah bangunin kamu loh

Ya, maap ya


Woy Lix, ya elah

"Bye semua aku pulang dulu" teriak Felix
"Hati-hati dijalan" teriakan Felix dibalas oleh Hongjoong

Skip rumah

"Momy, where's dad?" Tanya Felix
"Dady is in the office, working" jawab ibunya
"Mom, I want to go to my room to study" Felix
"Please, handsome mother, son" jawab ibunya


Setelah selesai mandi Felix pun bergegas mengerjakan PR, setelah selsai dia mengambil notebook dan memuliakan sesuatu di atasnya

I know that you must have your own problems, I also know that you must have your own strengths and weaknesses. But I know, whatever your problems, don't run away from your problems, and whatever your weaknesses, make them a spirit to fight, and use your strengths to make others feel comfortable, don't let your strengths make you feel like you are the most powerful.

Love is not everything, but sometimes every human being will experience a phase where he will feel like he is falling in love with the person he likes. Love is a feeling that almost everyone experiences, and one of them is me. I like Hyunjin from when we went to middle school until now, maybe this love will not be reciprocated considering he is indifferent and doesn't care about the environment around him.



pendek dulu ya guys, kehabisan ide soalnya. Star jam 12.20 malam dan finis nya jam 1.37 pagi :)

Nih kalo gak percaya

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Nih kalo gak percaya. Aku gak bergadang loh, cuma kebangun dan gak bisa tidur lagi, dan kepikiran aja bikin cerita ini.

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