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"GUYSGUYSGUYSGUYS!" Rainbow Dash squealed excitedly at her friends. "What is it?" Twilight Sparkle asked, looking up from her book. "Check this out!" Dash said, thrusting a peice of paper to her alicorn friend. Twilight took it and read. She smiled. "Wow, Rainbow! That's great!" She exclaimed. "What is?" Rarity asked. She was lying under the sun, a hat and a pair of shades on. She pulled her sunglasses up and used her unicorn magic to bring the paper towards her.

Applejack leaned in to read as well, only to get shoved over by Rarity. "No! Don't act like I didn't see you and Fluttershy dig holes with your bare hooves for animals just now!" The unicorn shrieked. Applejack rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I read it already anyways. Congrats, Rainbow," the cowmare said. Rarity nodded in agreement. "Ooh, what's that?" Fluttershy asked. Rarity showed her the paper and Fluttershy's face turned happy.

"WOOO! GO DASHIE! YEA! YAAAAAAAAY!!!!" The usually quite pegasus cheered. Rainbow Dash held her head up with pride. "Thanks, guys. I can't believe it! I'm actually gonna be an instructors assistant!" Dash said.

"Which one? Instructor, I mean," Twilight said, putting her book down. "It doesn't say, but I bet it would be awesome!" Dash cheered.

"Oh, you're leaving tomorrow?" Rarity asked, reading the letter again. Dash's eyes went wide. "WHAT?!?!" She screamed in alarm, snatching the paper back.
Rarity was right, Dash was leaving tomorrow. "I gotta pack! See you later!" Dash said to her friends. "We'll meet at your house tomorrow!" Applejack called to her friend.


"Did you bring what you needed?"

"Why, of course!"

"Uuhhmmm.... yep?"

"I hope I did,"

"YEAH! But why am I here?"

Voices were heard under Rainbow Dash's house. Dash picked up her suitcase and flew down to meet her friends. "Hey guys!" Dash greeted. Her friends greeted her back, except for Pinkie, who's jaw dropped when she saw the suitcase.

"RAINBOW DASH IS MOVING AWAY FROM PONYVILLE?!?!" The pink mare shrieked. Applejack rolled her eyes. "I wish. But, no, Pinkie, Rainbow is not leaving. She's just going to the Wonderbolt Academy for a month," Applejack explained. "Oh, yeah, you weren't here with us yesterday. I forgot," Twilight said.

"WHAT? IS THAT WHY I HAD TO BRING A SPECIAL GIFT?!" Pinkie shrieked, causing everypony to roll their eyes.

"Rainbow Dash, as a way to say good luck, we all got you a gift," Twilight said, pushing a box towards Dash. Dash smiled and picked up the box. "You're the best, guys! See ya next month!" Dash called to her friends before flying away.

It's a prolouge. Don't expect it to be long. Lol.

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