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When the apocalypse first started, I had no idea of what to do except get Lily and I to a safe place. That was until we were on the highway to Atlanta. The reporters from the radio station announced that there were refugee camps in Atlanta, that it was safe from this "virus." The highway was packed full, and there was no way we would be getting inside the city. I kept telling Lily that everything was gonna be fine, that we were safe, and nothing bad was ever gonna happen to either of us and that we'd get into the city perfectly fine. She was 6 years old, and I didn't know what else to do, so I lied, if that meant she wouldn't be scared. Everyone was getting out of their cars and scouting up ahead closer to the city to find out what was happening, so I followed a man and woman who were walking with a younger boy, maybe around the age of 8. I took Lily with me, mainly because I didn't feel safe leaving her in my black jeep.

Before the apocalypse, I was a seargant at a military base about 3 miles outside of the city, and I knew a lot about how to keep people safe, so at a time like that on the highway, I knew to take Lily with me. I was 28 at the time of the apocalypse and was serving for just over 8 years, going from place to place with the military. Whether it was Iraq, Afghanistan, Italy, anywhere they needed me, I went. I was on duty when I got the news that we were being shipped out closer to Atlanta to deal with this virus and everyone going into the city. Although, when I was notified about my families issue with my mother and what was happening with my dad, they put me on emergency leave. But, people told me how bad it was where my parents were, and told me that if I wanted to get my daughter somewhere safe, I should go for the refugee camps in Atlanta. So that's what I did.

I met a group of well-rounded people, one of which was a cop, and Lily and I left with them. They were also headed for the refugee camps, but then Atlanta was being bombed with Napalm, so we left with a few other families to a quarry about ten miles outside of the city.

The officer was Shane Walsh, along with a lady named Lori Grimes and her son Carl. Lori's husband, Rick Grimes, was shot and was in a coma when the beginning of the end of the world happened, and Shane had gone to get him, but he was dead, according to him. But when some of our group went on a run, Rick helped them, and they brought him back to his family.

Then there was a small family consisting of Sophia, the daughter of a kind lady, Carol, and Carol's husband Ed. I didn't like him at all, as almost every day, Carol and Sophia would be littered in bruises and marks from him. Eventually, a small herd made their way through our camp, killing Ed, as well as Amy, the younger sister of the blonde woman Andrea.

There were also a couple of stray survivors with us. Jim, who was bit by one of the walkers from the herd, Jacquie, a very kind woman who helped out with laundry and whatever else, T-Dog, who helped out with protecting the camp, as well as going on the occasional run. There was also Glenn, a Korean boy, who knew the city like the back of his hand, and always went on runs and supplied us with anything and everything we needed.

Then there was also a bigger family consisting of Morales and his wife, along with their three children.

And lastly, there were two men, Merle and Daryl Dixon. They were brothers who would hunt and bring back food for the group, but they always stayed away from everyone. I didn't know Daryl well, but we did grow a strong relationship, or at least it was stronger than any other relationship he had with the group. Other than his brother Merle, of course.

Merle, I knew from my first 6 years in the military. He helped me out when all the other soldiers underestimated me, and when men would try to get with me, and try to take advantage of me the occasional time, he was always there to save me. He was like a brother to me, and whenever I didn't want to go home to my abusive boyfriend, he always let me stay at his place. I would sleep in his room while he slept on the couch on the main floor.

When it came to defending myself, I had a nice amount of muscle, but what helped me out the most was the amount of skill I had.

Anyway, after the herd came through, we all decided on going to the CDC in Atlanta, but some of us decided otherwise. Shane wanted to take their chances and go to Fort Benning, while Rick and the rest wanted to go to the CDC, and much to Shane's dismay, he went with them. The Morales family decided to head somewhere else, where they would hope to find their family, as with I. I seemed to be a major part of the group as being one to go on lots of runs and hunt with the Dixons, but I still left with Lily to go and find my parents.

Lily was never my actual child, but when I was on a mission in Iraq, her parents and whatever family she had left were killed while they were passing through, so I had the duty of taking care of her. But, eventually, I ended up growing a strong relationship with the 4 year old girl to the point she saw and called me her mother. So, year and a half later, I officially adopted her, and she became my own.

Before I left my group, the two people I really had to say goodbye to were Merle and Daryl, but Melre was left on a roof, handcuffed to a peice of metal, and when we went to go get him back, he was gone.

So, the one person left was Daryl. And so, I hugged him, much to his dismay, as he didn't like physical touch, but he hugged back, and before I left, he gave me his brother's necklace. It was a piece of thick black string, and it had a silver moon connected to it. I was gonna miss Daryl so much.

Then, for about a year, maybe a little less, Lily and I were on the road, always staying near Atlanta, as we always came upon groups, but never stayed long. One thing I learned in the military was never get too attached to someone or something because one day, it could get you killed.

So, I focused on keeping Lily safe as well as not trusting people. Well, I didn't trust people until two days ago, when I came upon a very special prison.

Author's Note:
Season 3-11 will start now:) I will give updates whenever something changes, but other than that, this story will follow the original storyline of TWD.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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