Best Friends

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My friends were talking in class

It made me really think

Places in my brain I didn't want to go

About how never again I'll let someone get close

At least not as close as you got

Because we haven't talked in six and a half months

And yes I'm counting

I'm counting because it still feels like i'm being stabbed in the stomach when I see you

I shouldn't still write poems about you

Six months later.

When Olivia Rodrigo said 

"You're just a stranger I know everything about"

I first thought of you

And I still think of you

I think of you every night before I go to sleep

I think of you in the morning

At eight

At ten

At noon

It's all you

You're still first in my mind

You're still first in my heart

In my head you're still my best friend

The only one I want to talk to

I'll see all these people

I'll watch from afar

I'll keep my friends close

But not attached at the hip

Say "I wish I had a best friend"

But I'll act just like you and lie 

Because at the end of the day

I don't ever ever ever want something like what we had back

I just want you

But I won't admit it

I'm addicted to butterflies and poetryWhere stories live. Discover now