Chapter 1

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"Wally?" The pink haired sorcerer called as she entered the almost empty alley way.
"Yes,Jinx?" I replied, having heard that melodious voice.
"I want to be good. Please, you have to help me." She answered, nervousness laceing her features.
"Sure, but first, how did you know my name?" I asked her, now only a few meters away.
"I have my ways." She said smirking, only a rulers length away now and getting closer.
As my lips were about to touch hers-
Jumping awake I turned to make sure I was alone in the room before checking the time. 2.30pm!
I know Jinx wouldn't mind the sleep in and probly would still be in bed. So getting up I went to the kitchen to make us brunch. A few minutes later Jinx came down the stairs to our apartment, she had already gotten dressed and done her hair but left it down.
"Good morning" I called to her.
"Good afternoon" she said back.
I know it was short but I didn't know what else to wright!
Bye my little kittens!

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