chapter one

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There were many words to describe the way that Peter Parker was feeling: blindsided, confused, upset, in pain, and many more, but the only thing that was coming to Peter's mind was what the hell. One minute he had been about to jump onto a van full of alien weaponry through suburbia and the next, he was being dragged suddenly and agonizingly skywards. Peter could feel sharp metal clamping onto his ankle as he looked down at the rapidly shrinking van. He was fighting to free himself, or at least get a look at who was attacking him. All he could see was a set of glowing green eyes and a pair of massive wings. Peter was in no position to free himself, hanging upside down as he was being torn through the sky. The best he could to was kick and scream. Peter thought he heard beeping, but he couldn't quite tell over the sound of his own yelling.

For the second time in the span of thirty seconds, Peter was yanked in the opposite direction than the one he was expecting to go. Instead of being pulled upwards, he was being dragged downwards by another unseen force. Well, it was only unseen for a moment, Peter was enveloped by a thin, almost silky fabric. As he tried to figure out what this was, he felt an impact like being hit by a train.

That's when all sensible thought went out the window
What's a word stronger than cold?
Peter was feeling a cold unlike anything he had felt before.

His brain wasn't working, and his body was feeling so many types of pain. His struggles began to grow more and more feeble against the cocooning fabric. He couldn't fight his way out to get to the surface because he didn't know which way the surface was. He was panicking, starting to hyperventilate, which is very difficult to do underwater. Peter's thoughts weren't even coherent enough to realize that he was dying as his lungs were filling with water.
God, dying hurt
Peter's chest was on fire
Over and over again, the waves crashed into Peter. Knocking him senseless. But if he was being knocked senseless, why was he able to think clearly? Clearly enough to remember that rivers don't have waves. Peter's mind began come back to him, his conscious and unconscious thoughts as his body remembered to breathe again. Peter began to cough and splutter, expelling the last of the river water.

Peter blinked and tried to focus, he saw another pair of glowing eyes above him and felt panic rise in him before he realized the shape and color of the eyes were one of a friend, not an enemy.
"Mr. Stark?"
"Finally, kid, my arms were getting tired"
"Wh-wh-what?" Peter was shivering so hard that he could barely get the words out
"I've been doing CPR for like, thirty minutes" Tony complained "Okay, more like thirty seconds, and the suit did most of the CPR for me. Okay all of it."
Peter's head was swimming. "I don't... understan"
Stark continued "I just didn't want you to get all the sympathy points. I'm glad to see your eyes open because now we can get to the reason I had to drag you out of that musty water in my third best Iron Man suit. Tell me everything and make it good."
Peter tried to sit up but couldn't, so he rested on one elbow. "Mr. Star, I, I don really know...and then, but" Peter's tongue was lead, he couldn't form rational thoughts let alone sentences.

"What were you thinking, trying to take these guys down by yourself? There are people who handle this sort of thing, like the Avengers. Okay not the Avengers because it's a little below their paygrade. I told you to stay close to the ground, build up your game helping the little people, like that lady that bought you the churro. I don't understand why you can't be a friendly neighborhood spiderman. I know you're young and rebellious and think that you're ready for more but you're not. 'Oh, but Mr. Stark what about in Germany' that was a mistake and trust me, if any of the others wanted to lay you out, you'd be laid out, trust me. Now listen if you come across these weapons again call Happy."

Tony was too busy with his monologue to notice that Peter wasn't paying attention or that Peter had lost consciousness around the word 'paygrade'. Peter was flat on his back, his body wracked with shivers, weak gasps for air drowned out by his chattering teeth.

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