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Hi! Yes, I know acknowledgments are boring, but I have some things to get out of the way with first. I didn't write this all myself (shocking right?). It is actually based on a roleplay I did with a group of my friends. I will not share ANY names due to privacy reasons, but there were 7 of us in this group. (I make this story with full permission to use their characters, don't worry). Who knows, maybe I'll get to use their names and do a tribute chapter one of these days.

Anyway, I will be taking a LOT of scenes from the roleplay and transplanting them into a story, but much of what you see will be my own writing. We had a hard time sticking to one connected storyline so it will be my job to fill the area between point A to point B. And as I cannot play all of these characters as well as their original players, there are quite possibly some inconsistencies between them. (Not counting side characters. I get to invent those >:)) The only one I can do as well as the original player is Evelyn. Because I was the original player.  

All I'm saying is... while I will try my best to get the characters as consistent as possible, it's not going to be perfect. So bear with me. (Hehe, I made a pun :D)

Now, On With The Story!

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