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Moonlight shined on the water. A beautiful grey cat stood at the shore muttering to herself.

"Darkness will rise and the river will run free.." She meowed quietly. "And the river will run free... RiverClan.. What would RiverClan have to do with us?"

She stood in place lost in thought. "Maybe.."

"Darkrose?" A voice behind her spoke. "What are you doing out here?"

"It's nothing, Lillystar."

"Are you sure?" The red she asked with a worried look in her eyes. "You're  never out this late, aside from gatherings."

"I'm sure.. Thanks though." Darkrose responded quickly without taking her sparkling grey eyes off the lake in front of her.

"Okay then.. I'll be in my den if you need me."

Darkrose decided to take a walk to clear her mind, though it was unsuccessful. She thought back to the first prophecy she received as a full Medicine Cat.

"Darkness will rise to bring the light.." She whispered. "They're connected, I'm sure, though I don't know how."

She came to a stop at the edge of WindClan's territory. The rivers were drying out. They'll need rain soon.

She looked as her reflection became distorted due to a drop of water. "I best be getting back. I just hope I don't have another prophecy to worry about tomorrow.

She sighed, watching as clouds covered the moon. The gathering would be soon. Maybe Poppyfur can help? She is a RiverClan cat after all. She thought to herself.

She carried on following the path to camp. A sudden howl made her freeze in her tracks. Coyotes!

She climbed the nearest tree as fast as possible, watching as the dog like creatures clawed at the wood, growling and snarling in anger that they didn't catch their food. Their ribs were showing underneath their golden fur and their eyes shone with hunger and rage.

I must warn the clan!
With that, she leaped down from the tree and raced for the camp, looking back once more to ensure that she wasn't being followed.

~ How is it? I'm trying to get at least 300 words in the prologue of each story I write and 700 or more in every chapter. (336 words, minus this) - Glacier ~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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