Chapter 1

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Twilight arrived in the waiting area of the hospital, breathing heavily and now feeling pearls of sweat on her brow. Spike was still clinging to her neck after holding on for dear life. Her friends were already there; Applejack and Rarity stood up as they saw her. "What happened?" she asked into the group while her mind continue coming up with ever worse scenarios.

"We don't know", Applejack said.

"They said nothing "Rarity continued.

Twilight looked at the other two ponies in the group. Fluttershy was still sitting on the bench at the other end of the room with Pinkie Pie next to her, comforting the nearly crying pegasus. It was early morning and they had been an called to the hospital with the message that something had happened to Rainbow Dash, but it did not mention anything specific.

Twilight saw Nurse Redhead coming around a corner and approaching the group.

"Hollo," she said and offered a one warm smile.

"Howdy,"Applejack quickly replied.
"Can ya tell us what happened?"

The nurse signed. "Now that you are all here, yes. We found her in the streets yesterday evening, badly wounded and and losing a lot of blood." Fluttershy let out a quick gasp. "We took her in and operated, but there was not much we could do except stop her bleeding. You see, she said she was caught in the storm the last thing she could remember was a bright, white light and a light and a loud explosion. We ... had to amputate what was left of it."

The expressions of the six friends had grown with shock at Nurse Red -heart's words. Fluttershy was now visibly crying and Pinky pie had stopped stroking her mane.

AppleJack gulped. "Amputated?" she asked.

"Can we see her?"was Twilight's question.

"Yes, you can" Redheart said. "She she woke up about an hour our ago. That's why called you all here. I can show you to her room. But please keep in mind that she just woke up from strength". With that she turned around and the group followed her Dash's room in silent.

Once at the home the nurse opened the door and entered. "Good morning, Miss Dash,"she said in a typical half-cheery tone that never did anything to cheer anypony up who had privilege of hearing it. "You have some visitors," she continued.

She made space for the other ponies and baby dragon to enter and settle themselves onto Rainbow's bed. The pegasus had sat up as she saw them entire and wiped off some last tears of her cheeks. Sniffling and with red eyes she was now regarding each of them with a sad smile. "Hey, guys," she cracked.

Her friends did there best to put comforting smiles.

"Are you okay, sugercube," Applejack asked, which was regarded as a stupid question by everypony in the room Applejack include.

Dash snorted softly. "No,"she said with the same expression.

"Oh, you silly willy!" Pinkie pie cried and hugged Dash, burying her face in the side the blue neck. "What were you doing out side in a storm?"

"I don't remember. Flying home I guess"

"Is it true?" Rarity asked her and gulped. "You lost your wing?"

Pinkie Pie let go of Dash and the pegasus sighed and pulled over her blanket, revealing a stump on her side with a wide scar over it, where there had formally been a strong, cyan blue wing. The group gasped. Twilight's heart drooped to the sight and Fluttershy's eyes filled with tears again. "I'm so sorry," she whispered.

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