Laughing At Them

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Today's the day! D-day! How exciting! Everyone's performing; that is, almost everyone. I am, too. Mine is supposed to be a comedy skit — what a joke, really!

I'm sure everyone'll enjoy it. They always do — they look at me and laugh. It's an everyday thing. They laugh. They point at me and laugh. Except they don't point, and they don't laugh — at least not outright. They come to me and talk and smile; pretend they're all friendly and whatnot; but I know. I KNOW. They are mocking me; laughing at me on the inside.

Why, you'd think? Why not? They're jealous. I AM so much better than them — they can't bear that. So. They laugh. And I laugh, too. They laugh at me, and I laugh at them.

Here! You'll know what I mean! That right there's my classfellow, a downright phoney one, she is. The phoniest of them all; and would you look at that! She's headed this way.

See! See! She's smiling and talking — you'd think we were the best of friends. She's talking — I hate it. Her voice. It's sweet and sugary. She'll be singing today. I've heard her before; mumbling into the mic with her sickeningly sweet voice.

It makes me nauseous.

She's asking about my performance. She'll tell her friends about it, won't she? Oh, she'll see it soon enough, but no matter! No harm in telling her about it — mine's a comedy skit. Make sure to watch it — I bet you'll laugh today as you've never laughed before!

What a joke! It's just like in those movies. They don't like me — but I'm better than THEM, at least.

Oh! They're calling us to the auditorium; it's about to begin. I'm positively bursting with glee. My performance is at the end. They'll make the announcement, and when they do, two people — or maybe more... or maybe even none... anyway! They'll leave the room and run to the — but no! That's the joke. I won't ruin it JUST yet. It's sure to make everyone laugh, just you wait!

Oh, would you look at that — they've blocked the way upstairs. What a flimsy attempt, really — they just placed pots of plants in front of the stairs. As if you can't push through them — as if I'm not going to do just that...

Boy, oh boy — how exciting! I. Am. Positively. Ecstatic. How fun! Roaming the staircases... all alone... no one to laugh at me... and! Here we are! My ticket to freedom! The rooftop!

The performances must have started by now. Mine'll be up first, I'm sure. I thought of doing it in the end — like a grand ending of sorts — but that'd mean SHE'D get to sing in that sticky voice of hers. So I'll save everyone from it: I'll go first.

Mine comes right after the national anthem. They'll announce my name and read from that letter I wrote — quite a sport, honestly. They'll read it and everyone'll be shocked.

Oh! I can imagine it happening! The anthem is playing; everyone sits down; the host comes forward — announces my name. Takes out the letter I wrote to the hall — reads it out loud... and when the announcement was made, two people got up and left the room.


The air's cold. I bet they're running. They're on their way upstairs. I'll laugh at THEM today — it's almost time! I can't stop, my face is burning — I just keep laughing. Look at that — down there! People are going to gather there, won't they? They'll shout at me, and so will the people at the back. But I won't listen. No. No! Not today. Today, I'll laugh at them. And I'll laugh like I've never laughed before...

I want to get a better view. There's grass down there — I bet lying on it will be nice...

They're here! On the rooftop! But... one look at their eyes and my blood's boiling. I've never let out a shriek as loud as this one. They look scared — but their eyes! Their eyes are laughing! There are flames of mirth dancing in them — I know it — but that won't stop me! I want to go down, and I WILL GO! And you know what? I'll take the shortest route.

Look at them, leaping at me — hands out — they're going to pull me back! Or are they pushing me? No matter! All I know is that they're laughing at me. I'm laughing too — because I made a leap, too!

Everyone's shouting... or are they laughing?

The air feels nice...

It's rushing past me...

What a joke, really... laughing till the end — just like in the movies...

What... a joke...

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